Welcome Back

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Akane looked down, her hands were clutched up against her chest and tears started to trickle down her face. "Ranma... i- I'm." She paused and took in another breath. Her face was glowing a bright red and she couldn't stop the tears from falling. "I'm sorry!" She screamed.

Her head still pointed downwards. "Why won't you look at me." Ranma questioned. More tears poured down. "I'm too afraid." She answered. Her body trembling.

Ranma left, leaving the door open. Akane heard his footsteps disappearing and she dropped to the floor crying. Her face was beet red.

After a few moments Ranma came back, he was now back to his original state and in his normal clothing. "Are you still crying?" He asked. Akane nodded her head and finally looked up at his face. "Ranma can you forgive me?" She asked, her voice trembling.

He took a few moments to think about it before shaking his head, "no." He said calmly. Akane's head shot down and she cried more. Ranma sighed before reaching out his arms to embrace her. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed it to his chest.

Akane's eyes widened, her heart beat grew faster and her tears slowly faded. "I can't forgive you, but I can forget about it." Ranma whispered into her ear.

She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him as well hugging him tightly. "Okay." She whispered. They both sat in the door frame, not moving.

After a few moments Ranma started to pull back. "Please." Akane whispered and Ranma sighed. He held on longer, not wanting Akane to cry again. After a few moments she finally let go of him and he pulled back.

"Are you... okay now?" He asked, his voice soft and quiet. She nodded her head but didn't look up. Ranma stood up and reached out his arm to grab Akane's hand.

They both went back inside and sat down in the kitchen, Akane's face burned a bright red and so did Ranma's. "Why did you do that?" Ranma finally asked, breaking the silance.

Akane looked at him and frowned. "I was tired of everything you did to me, but I know what I did was bad, and I'm terribly sorry." She retorted. His head cocked from side to side and he went over to sit by Akane. She didn't look up, but instead looked the other direction, not wanting to let him see her face.

Ranma reached out his arms and pulled Akane in, hugging her tightly once again, "don't ever do that again." He whispered in her ear. She froze, not knowing what to do, but soon nodded her head in agreement. "I won't." She said and gave a reassuring smile.

Nothing happened the rest of the day, just some more crying and hugging. But it turned out to be the day Ranma conf- Hey! Don't spoil!- I'm just saying what happened.- Let the reader's imagination fly after that.- okay okay, fine. Let's leave it at that. Until next time!

The End.


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