Baking Lessons

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Karma sat herself down on a small stool and watched as Ranma acted as a pig and ate almost everything she had brought. He finally looked up, only to notice Karma staring at him. He quickly wiped away all of the crumbs of food on his mouth and smiled. "S-sorry, your food is REALLY good." Karma smiled and slowly shook her head. "Its no problem at all, but I wouldn't see how you would want to eat them..." She paused and placed her hand against her cheek. "They're not good at all, in fact I think I made them poorly." She pouted and glanced away.

Ranma shook his head as well and spoke truthfully. "No, No, your cooking is amazing!" He yelled throughout the Tendo household. They both kept shaking their head and arguing until Kisumi walked by and gave Ranma the death stare. He hopped right up and nodded to Kisumi, letting her walk away. His body moved to the door as he left the girl to sit at her seat.

Karma jumped from her seat and sprinted after Ranma, her movements closely following Akane's. Ranma finally notice the poofy dress that was attached to Karma. He stopped cold in his tracks and stared at the girl questionably. "W-why do you keep following me and wanting me to stay?" His eyes wanting to stare into the pit of her feelings.

Her lips slowly shut tight and the wind blows fiercely, leaving her dress to fly everywhere. "I need you right now, so don't let me down." His eyes swiftly change so shock only lives in them. "W-what?" He swallows a dry gulp as he scratches the back of his head.

Karma shakes her head and speaks, "its just.... I lied....err... I actually came to see you .. Uh... Akane told me so much about you and there's something I truly need to talk to you about." Lies gloss over her words, worry glosses over her eyes and her movements were frantic, as if a gun was brought to her head. "W-well, I'd love to help you with anything." Karma lit up when the those words came out. "But I have something to take care of first, because I ....err... Something terrible happened and I have to find the right person to help me with it." Ranma finally managed to let the fake words leave his lips and he shifted his eyes so he couldn't look at what looked like Akane.

Everything dropped from there. The smiles on everyone's face, the truth in everyone's word's, the warm, happy feeling in the air. Nothing was left of the mess that was created. Nothing but depressing thoughts, memories, etc.


Author's Note: Again I'd like to say that none of these characters except for Karma are mine. If you would like to read the real story behind Ranma and Akane go check out "Ranma 1/2" by Rumiko Takahashi.

Please forgive me for the relatively short chapter, I've been really busy and caught up with other things.

Hope you liked this chapter! Next chapter will be tried to be uploaded next week.

Have a good Day/Night!!


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