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Ryoga walked down the path that lead to the town, Akane by his side, her father still out in the forest looking for her. Akane had a soft smile on her face, yet her eyes told another story. Ryoga was replaying the precious memories of his that had happened mere moments ago. He replayed every second and let it sink into his mind slowly. Yet he loved Akane dearly, he knew he would never be able to reach out and steal her heart away. Because he knew clearly, that she does not see him in anyway other then a friend. Finally other words than from before reached his mind, and he spoke them out to her. " Even the nicest of guys don't always steal a heart, but the ones who were there to grab it from the beginning. " He spoke out just loud enough for her to hear.

Akane swung her head around and looked at him, a bright and soft smile lit up his face, as he was truly feeling happy, but yet tears slid down his cheeks. "Ryoga! What's wrong?!" She ran in front of him to stop him from walking. "Nothing." He smiled once more and wiped away his tears, as he finally accepted his and her future.

Ranma ran back and forth, from the school, to the end of town to back home. Over and over again. She was missing and he didn't know which way to run anymore. His breath was heavy and he was covered in sweat. Ranma grabbed his knees and bent over to take some more breaths before running back to the house to see if she was back. When he stopped by the house no one was there except a note. Kasumi had left it on the table to explain to Ranma that everyone had gone to look for her. He let a soft sigh escape his lips and he looked back at the empty hallways that were usually filled with words being shouted from Akane's lips. Ranma ran up the stairs and into Akane's room. He looked at her room in a different way, this time he let everything he looked at have a stronger meaning. Because in the couple of years he had lived under the same roof as her, he had never payed much attention to her belongings.

Everything he looked at made him sadder and sadder. He finally opened her drawer and looked at the items inside. Only a box sat there, he took the small box that was decorated with jewels and looked inside, there sat a few photos, one by one he looked at them. A couple of her with her family while the others contained her with her friends. Yet most of them were with her dressed nicely as if she was going somewhere only one was of her in the girls locker room with a few friends. She was standing in front of the lockers and smiling. This brought an idea that Ranma never would have thought of. "Yeah!" He screamed out and threw the box and photos on her bed before leaving the room.

Although he thought he had seen all of the photos, one was still left behind in the box, a photo of Akane and Ranma both dressed up nicely and both had the brightest smile. And it was the only one to be framed.

"Ryoga! why were you crying?" She asked him over and over. Her expression changed to be worried as she waited for his reply. "Oh, I was?" He questioned and laughed it off. "It is nothing, I'm fine." He told her, making her feel a bit better. "Oh... Well then... What do you mean by: Even the nicest of guys don't always steal a heart, but the ones who were there to grab it from the beginning?" She questioned him. Her eyes gazed down at the floor because she couldn't find anything better to watch. "You really want to know?" He asked her. She nodded her head and smiled. He too smiled and took a deep sigh before speaking. "It means, I have loved you always, yet I know something else takes up the place I wish to be in your heart." He showed her a reassuring smile and waited for her reaction.

The words he spoke were slowly sinking into her mind, one by one. Soon enough she had every word processed and she looked up at him with a shocked look and bright red cheecks. "W-w-what?" Her tone a bit off from what it usually is. "Nevermind, let's just keep walking." He smiled and started to walk further down, as they were already almost at town. She waited a few more moments before looking back and running after him. "Wait! What do you mean?" She asked once more. He shook his head and looked down at her "Nevermind." He spoke and looked back up. A very heavy weight was finally lifted off his shoulders. But now, he had nothing interesting to do, to see, to find. Only to lead Akane back to where she needs to be, and to set off to find someone else he can love so dearly as he did with Akane.

More moments passed by, and there was nothing but silence. Both of the people in their own worlds. Both red as a tomato but only one knew both paths for both of their futures. Yet the other didn't even know her own path. "Thank you, I know you probably already know this. But I do not have those feelings for you, but.... I am beyond happy to know that someone besides my family loves me so dearly." Akane spoke out her mind, which broke the silence between the two. Ryoga looked down at her, shocked by her words yet the happiest he has ever been. He looked back at the town that was now only mere feet away. "Yeah." He spoke out.

Ranma ran into his school, the bell had rung only seconds before he arrived, letting everyone know that school was out. He ran past everybody and towards his own classroom. People noticed him and yelled out to him. Asking him why he was gone from school today, where Akane was, where he was going. Basic questions . But not one made him stop from running to where he was going. When he finally entered his classroom he saw most of the people had left yet a couple people stayed back, two being the ones he was looking for. He ran towards a brunette girl and a red head that were sitting at two desks just talking to each other. He approached the two and asked them, "You're Akane's closest friends right? Then may I ask a question about her?" The two girls looked at each other and smiled. "Of course" one said. "Do you know where Akane has gone?" He asked them and waited for their reply, his heart beat grew faster with every second that went by.

The two girls looked back at each other and whispered in each others ears before replying to his question. "No..." the Brunette said aloud. He looked down as he felt his stomach drop. "But.... we know her secret, because...." She paused and let out a sigh. "We told her to do this. So if you get mad, don't get mad at her." The girl looked down and sighed once more. "Follow us." She said and started to walk down the hallway. He followed after the two girls, waiting for any sign of where she is or any clue. Finally they arrived in front of the girls locker room. "This place?" He questioned. The girls nodded and motioned for him to wait outside. After the girls had checked to see if anyone was there they motioned to him to come in. They looked at him a bit ashamed.

"1774" they spoke out and let him do the rest. He turned his head to face the small lockers and he searched for the specific number. His fingers slid across each plate that had different numbers on them only to finally land on 1774. His finger slipped under the hole and he pulled it open.


Omg!! I'm sorry, I haven't posted since July Sixth! ! I totally forgot to even post. That's almost a month away!! Agh! I'm so mad at myself. Again I want to say I'm sorry, and sorry if this wasn't a very good chapter, I tried my best :/ anyway, hope you lime it.... yeah.

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