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Ranma's eyes couldn't hold up any longer and he fell fast asleep. The moon slowly set behind the earth and up came the sun, right on time. Akane let out a large yawn as she still sat up in the tree branch. "Ranma...." Her eyes gazed down upon the town as light started to creep its way in. "Ugh.... Its because of him I couldn't sleep!" She yelled out. Her voice grew louder as she started to think more of him. "That... that... That stupid Ranma!" Her eyes got misty and she layed her back against the tree trunk. "Well... Now its day..." She mumbled and slowly but surely dozed off.

Ranma woke up to the sun half way in the sky, his face on the ground and the flashlight that Akane held earlier held tightly in his hand. He sat up and let a yawn out. When the slow realization hit him he jumped to his feet and started to look around frantically just to take in the scenery. "Oh... This place." Ranma mumbled. Akane's voice was the clearest memory of the night before. All the rest had been covered up as if they meant nothing to him nor to her. "Heh... Wow... Guess I better head into town to look for her... geez Akane I leave you for one second an-" Ranma talked on but slowly stopped as his gaze caught someone. A girl to his matter, a short haired girl that wore a backpack as if she went on a camping trip. Ranma's eyes followed her until the girl stopped. Its Her. Was the only thing running through his head at this point. He jumped down and sprinted towards her.

Akane woke to the sun glaring in her eyes. She stretched her arms out and glanced at the ground to see how far she was from it. Her body moved on its own as she inched towards the edge of the branch and leaped off. "Hmm... Where's.." She thought to herself . "Ranma?" A voice reached out and surprised her. Her head swung over to look behind. Ryoga stood only inches away, towering over her. "U-uh." She took a few steps back and held her breathe for moments. "R-Ryoga... What are you doing here?" Akane asked. "Ranma's looking for you." He retorted. "What are you dodging the question?" Her eyes looked down at him. "No, I simply stated a fact." He answered. A small noise from a couple meters back rung in Akane's ears. A voice shouted out "Akane!" Her eyes nearly grew two inches as she grabbed ryoga and flung him up in the tall tree. She climbed up after him. There the two sat not even and inch away looking down at the ground to notice who it is. There Mr. Tendo searched for his daughter and called out for her name.

"I-isn't that your father?" He questioned. Akane grabbed his head and placed her hand over his mouth as she still looked down to watch her father look for her. Ryoga's heart then and there skipped a beat. And he panicked in his mind frantically. Akane's left hand was holding the back of his head as her right hand held his mouth close to herself. His face burned a bright red and his breathing got lighter. "A....a....ak.." His words couldn't come out clearly and he just stared into her eyes. Akane swung her head to look at Ryoga and she noticed the distance between the two. She quickly let go and apologized quietly, letting Ryoga know that he still had to speak softly if he wanted to speak at all. "Oh.. Um... I-it's fine, I'm sorry I must have been a bother to you." He let out a heavy sigh and glanced over to look at Mr. Tendo. "N-not at all. Your the nicest guy I've met in my life." She replied and smiled brightly. Ryoga's eyes grew and he watched her sweet smile as it pierced his heart. "W-we should get down, I think he's gone by now." He mentioned and waited for her reply. "Mm... Yeah I guess so. By the way, can you keep this a secret from Ranma. I don't want to see him, at least not yet..." Her words let out a depressed tone but Ryoga had nothing cheerful to say and instead he just replied. "Sure."

"Dang, it wasn't her. Where is she?!" Ranma sprinted over to the Tendo household and swung the door open. "Is she back?!" He yelled out and waited for anyone to reply. "Don't just come in here and yell out like it's nothing, now sit yourself down, you must be hungry!" Kisumi yelled back at Ranma. His patience to find Akane slowly drifted off. "Mhm... Sure." He sat down and waited for lunch to be served. "I'm going back to find her after this.." He said aloud making sure everyone could hear him. "Of course you are..." Kisumi replied.


Hope you enjoy this weeks chapter!

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