Chapter 4

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Victoria woke up lazily(Hey,she can be lazy too!),rubbing her tired eyes.The sun shone through the dark curtains of Sebastian's room.Victoria woke up thinking,'What am i doing in Sebastian's room?'The memory replayed itself while Victoria blushed like a tomato,she was actually on bed with someone of a different gender!She got up slowly to fold the blankets as Sebastian suddenly appeared behind her to fold the blankets and make the bed himself.Victoria watched him with a confused expression,how did he know?

"Victoria,you may go to the bathroom,your attire is in there,"said Sebastian."Y-yes,Mister Michealis,"she stuttered,blushing madly.She ran to the bathroom in her room as quick as a lightning,leaving a very confused Sebastian.Realization struck him and he smirked,"She must've remembered last night."Sebastian went to her room to wait for her but he saw that her maid attire was on her bed while she was bathing,he sat on the bed with her dress on his lap.Victoria took a quick shower before reaching for the towel to dry her body.

She realized she forgot to take her clothes into the bathroom with her!'What if someone is outside?'she thought as she wrapped the towel around her body,hair still wet.The towel only covered her from her breasts to her thigh,very innapropirate,if i must say.She gathered her courage and opened the door,after all,no one was in her room.Or is it?The door flung open with a girl wrapped with a towel,Sebastian looked at her,then at her body.Victoria's red face returned as she went to get her clothes,held by Sebastian.

As Victoria reached for it,Sebastian's hand moved away,causing her to fall on Sebastian's lap."Now Victoria,it isn't time to play.Do you want to be punished?"Sebastian said near her ear,his breath on her neck.Victoria shook her head looking down,embarassed."W-would you mind giving me my clothes?"she asked softly.Sebastian handed her her clothes without a word.Victoria got up from his lap and walked back to the bathroom,not before Sebastian slapped her butt.She squeaked and jumper 5 foot high,turning back at the culprit."You can wear it here you know?"Sebastian said as he gave her a 'rape' smile.

"Pervert!!!!!"screamed Victoria.She slammed the bathroom door and wore her dress.Who did he think he is?Asking her to dress in front of him.She shook the thought out of her head and looked at her self in the mirror,the dress went till her thigh.'He must've picked this,'raged Victoria.She thought of a good plan of revenge and exited the bathroom.She smiled extra sweetly at Sebastian,making him blush.She planted herself onto Sebastian's lap,pulling his tie."Dear Mr Michealis,why don't we have fun?"she purred.Sebastian was in dreamland,she was giving in that easily?Did she ignore him when he winked that day?

Victoria ran her fingers through his hair,"So soft,"she said.Sebastian was turned on and he looked at her hungrily.Victoria leaned down for a kiss,but when their lips almost touched,Victoria was at the door."Mr Michealis,isn't master waiting for his breakfast?"she asked.Sebastian growled and stalked to her,whispering the word 'Tease'."Can't believe you would fall for that,"said Victoria suddenly,turning to face Sebastian."Did you think i would give it up THAT easily?I'm waiting for marrige,"she finished.Sebastian looked at her shocked but continued walking,now leading the way."I never thought of that,"he answered.

Victoria shrugged and followed him,"So what are we making today?"she asked Sebastian."Darjeling tea for young master and French toast with hard boiled egg,wouldn't need to work you out for preparing harder recipes,"Sebastian replied,giving her a closed eye smile."Okay!"She smiled and started with French toast and so on.Sebastian helped with the tea and Victoria finished the rest."I'm done,Mr Michealis! I even made master an apple pie!"she said cheerfully,returning to her innocent self."Well done,"replied Sebastian.

"You will meet the staff later this afternoon,ok?"he asked."Alright."she smiled yet again.'She must have a very happy life,' thought Sebastian.Sebastian placed the food in a cart and pushed it to Ciel's room,Victoria stalking quietly behind him.Sebastian knocked on the door and entered with Victoria,seeing a sleeping Ciel."May i wake him up?I am fond of children,"said Victoria."Alright,"Sebastian replied.Victoria walked the the Earl's bedside and whispered in his ear,"Master,time to wake up."The Earl groaned in response and Victoria just stayed silent."Master,it's time to wake up,we are very busy today,"Victoria tried again."Sebastian,why is your voice like Victoria's?"Ciel grumbled,rubbing his eyes.

"Don't rub your eyes!It'll spoil them,"said Victoria."EHHH?!?!"Ciel said,eyes wide."You were the one who woke me up?"he asked,blushing.She nodded innocently,"I-is it wrong?"She pouted."N-no,it's fine,just tell me today's plans,"Ciel replied,embarassed because of his lazy attitude in front of his crush.Sebastian listed the things they will do today while dressing him.Ciel pushed Sebastian's hand away from taking his clothes off,"I'll do it myself."He didn't want to be more embarassed by letting Victoria know he's too lazy in the morning to wear his clothes himself!

Victoria smiled at the Earl and said,"It's okay for him to change for you,you know?Most kids are lazier than you.It's okay to be lazy for once."The Earl looked at her,shocked.Sebastian tried to help Ciel again but Ciel slapped it away,again."What?You want me to change you?"she asked.CIel blushed and quickly wore his clothes."So,master,Mr Michealis,i'll be going to find something to do!Toodles!"she said and raced off.She got near the kitchen when she heard the sound BOOM!


Did ya like it?Hmm?Hmmmm?I know i did cause' i feel happy today ;P


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