Change of Plans

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Beggin' On Your Knees For Me: Chapter 8

Amaya's POV

-Change of Plans*

I was getting ready and putting on my favorite, best-looking clothes with the best make-up that fit well enough with it; I really wanted to look good infront of Trisha.

By the time I was done, I ended up with the most suitable outfit for me. My favorite stretchable skinny jeans with a loose fitting design shirt by Guess. I always felt that it fit right and comfortable around to wear; the best combination for my perfect outfit.

Oh, but there were always those girls who just wore their jeans really tight, even if they couldn't walk straight. I always got a kick out of giggling at them once I saw them, sad to say that my cousin was one of them. Gosh, everytime I went to her house she would always be wearing them and complain, saying "God, these pants are way too tight," or, "I was trying to stretch them out, but they ripped." I would've just liked grabbing her by the shoulders and saying, "Then wear loose jeans that actually fit you!"

I mean, we all know that you were just trying to make your body pop out more, but come on! And that really was the reason my cousin, Yesenia, always wore them. She just wore them to show-off and that just really annoyed me, but I never really talked to her about it; I just thought it would be useless persuading. I really did want her to wear more comfy clothes, but it just always seemed like as though she would never listen to me... I lowered my head a little, knowing that it really had always remained that conclusion.

Enough about that. Right now I was going to have fun with Trisha. She seemed like a pretty cool friend for me to have right now, and maybe later on she could help me with Drake for all I knew...

I looked at myself through the full-length body mirror and squinted a little to get a better look. Smirking to myself, I got my long natural dark black hair out of the way. Not half bad, I kept saying in my head while turning from side to side. All that was missing was the make-up, though I scarcely ever used it.

In the end, I just decided to put on a little clear lip-gloss that I always had handy in my purse. I mixed my lips together as to make sure that I didn't miss a spot for my lips; if I was going to be using lip-gloss, I wanted to use it right. On that route, I grabbed a watch and flipped the circle with the time facing me from the back of my wrist.

Not too long ago, I learned that this habit of mine was used for the military too. I had always done it because I thought it was easier for me to look at it this way, and I guess the military thought that as well. They also used it for time bombs and such. I shook my head, smiled, and chuckled; it was awesome knowing that something you did was also used in something big like the military.

Laughing to myself, I let my eyes see what time it was. It was already 2:09. Man, sometimes I really did feel like time went by too quickly. Heh, like the saying goes, "Time flies by when you're having fun." - Now I knew what that quote really meant. I even used that strategy in school to see if it really worked, and not shockingly enough, it had.

I gave myself a last look-over and nod, as though I were on a mission; I was definitely good-to-go.

Sighing, I grabbed my purse, hooked it right ontop of my shoulder and made my way over to the living room - might as well watch some tv to kill time. I flipped through some channels and decided to leave it on Comedy Central.

The whole time I was watching re-runs of South Park and cracking up the whole time, sometimes having to catch my breath from laughing so hard. Ever so often, sitting on the couch and watching a really fantastic comedy show was enough to make you happy. I constantly told my family about this, but they no way believed me! At times like those I shook my head in exasperation, also massaged my forehead for them to catch the drift, yet they still never caught on. Sheesh, could a family be more dense?

I stretched my arms high above my head, my eyes unintentionally landing on my watch. Gasping, I got up instinctively, my purse slamming along the side of my body. Gosh, how is it that it was three o'clock already? I tip-toed my way infront of the front door, checking behind the glass covering to see if Trisha had arrived yet. And sure enough, there she was, however, she wasn't alone.

There was one other girl with her, I think her name was Christy.

They both resembled each other a lot, except for their different hair colors, Trisha's being a really dark red, and Christy's being dark brown. Other than that, the eyes and the face were exactly the same.

They both stepped out of the car swiftly, and walked on the cement directed to the front door. In a flash, I fixed myself a little, ran to turn off the tv, and stood at the side of the door waiting for the door bell to ring. Sure enough, the door bell rang and I opened the door for them. I put on my winner smile and invited them in, my hands gesturing for them to sit at the couch.

"Make yourselves at home," I said politely while closing the door.

They did what I had gestured towards and now sat on the couch, so I settled on making my way over to the massage chair and sit there, thus giving them more private space.

I examined both of them and instantly let out a silly grin.  

Looks like I wasn't the only who was dressed for the occasion.

Trisha was glancing at her nails as in to make sure that they were perfect until looking up at me. "Okay, so first things first. This is my sister, Christy," she said.

Christy taking that as an introduction, waved a little and gave me small seemingly innocent smile, getting a wave back, and earning a grin from me.

"I hope you don't mind that she came along. She said that she wanted to check if there were any new lotions at Victoria's Secret, since she loves lotions. " Trisha explained, flipping her hair.

My mind already got the idea, "Oh, okay. There's no problem," I said instantaneously, sending a smile of reassurance to Christy.

"Okay, good. And the second thing is that there's a small change of plans, alright?"

I gave her a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that after we go to the mall, I want you to come visit my house," She said, delivering a look as if she were smiling directly at me. "Is that okey-dokey?"

Starting to ponder about this, I gave them looks of uncertainty. I mean, I was never really invited to go to someone else's house before, therefore this really threw me off-guard.

"It's really pretty and big, I swear you won't regret it," Trisha said, trying to convince me.

"Alright," I said, finally.

Trisha threw her hands up towards the celing and yelled, "Yes!"

I looked at her weirdly and gave her a questioning look.

"Oh, hehe. It's just that I'm really happy you accepted to come to my house," She said, throwing me another strange and unexpected smile.

I shrugged my shoulders and just went with the flow...

Eventhough I really had no clue, or idea, of what I had just gotten myself into.


Sorry if it's really short, but I'm getting these ideas for my next chapter from this chapter and I didn't want to add the real thing(drama) yet. But, I hope this at least gives you an idea of what might happen in the next chapter.  (:

Any predictions?

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