Chapter 3

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James POV: Did she just say she hates me?, fuck i never thoguht i would hear those words from my sisters mouth but i also never expected to see her on the ground in just a towel and have some guy about to kiss her, fuck i don't want to remember that it was so disgusting to see with my eyes like seriously it was my little sister, as she went to her room it was all quiet with the boys they must feel awkward right now which i wouldn't blame them. I walked towards the kitchen and i see all the emty Bourben Cola cans whihc got me angry i can't believe she drank my alchol without asking, my fists started to clench i was about to head towards her room to yell but Skip hold me back and the other are all trying to keep me calm which is starting work after a while. Beau cleaned up the kitchen while me and the others just sat on the couch not talking we just turned on the tv, i wonder how long she has been acting like this and i never noticed and obviously neither has the guys since they were just suprised as i was when she started yelling at me.

James - Guys what am i gonna do with Melody??

Skip - I don't know, that was first time i have ever seen her act like that she wasn't her normal self i don't think.

Luke - Do you guys think that the goody two shoes act was just for us?? but in real life she is a trouble maker just like her brother

James - Hey i'm not that bad compared to you guys gosh i siad poking my tongue out

Beau - sure whatever you say James, and why would she hide her true self from us and her family but not around anyone else??

Melody - Because of the pressure, she said leaning on the wall looking at us all how long has she been standing thier

James - What pressure?? no one ever pressured you Mel i said with saddness and confusion.

Melody - Are you kidding me James,  everyone puts pressure on me, i am suppose to get good grades non stop even though i find some subjects hard for me like everyone else but nope thats not good enough, i can't be anything like you when i am just like you i am a trouble maker but i'm not allowed to be and that pisses me off if i get in a slight of trouble oh im grounded for months but when you get into even more trouble then me you don't even get grounded how is that fair?? how am i not allowed to be the person i am around any of my family or your friends the only people i am myself around is my friends and Luca which means i had to hide my personality away form uses because it was never good enough. she said almost in tears, i stood up and hugged her she was resisting at first but then she finally hugged back.

James - I am sorry i whispered into her ear

Melody - I am sorry to she whispered back, we broke away the hug and she went to sit on the couch leaning her head on Jai''s shoulder while he played with her hair which caused her to smile

Beau - We are throwing a party tonight, Melody are you coming??, she looked towards me first like she was asking for my permission.

James - Yah she is coming, i want to see how much my sister is like me i said with a smile which her caused her to smile more

Jai - Okay awesome well we are going to get everything ready, be around by like 8 okay?? James and Skip are you coming to help set up?

James - Yah i think we will come help setup, Mel remember 8pm see you then i siad as well all left to go

Beau - Wow James, you are letting her be herself we are really proud of you he said as the others laughed

James - Yah yah, i just want to see how bad she acts

Skip - Why?

James - Because Mum and Dad want to send her to our aunty to live for a while

Luke - What!!? you can't send her away James she is your sister.

Jai - Yah aye, i am sure she isn't that bad

James - Lets hope not  siad as we headed towards the Brooks.

Melody POV: I heard all the guys talking about why i acted like this, so i told them and now James is giving me a chance to be myself which is great i am happy that he letting me go to this party, i was about to head upstairs to get ready when i heard James telling the guys that if i carry on being myself i would get sent away, so that is why he is giving me a chance to be myself to see how bad i am. I can't believe he is thinking about sending me away why would he do that to me. I don't know what to do, but might as well get ready for the party then i can ask one of the guys if it's true. As i was getting ready i chose a tight dress that shows my figure good, it was just plain black but thats why i liked it, it took me nearly 2 hours to get ready, by curling my hair after having a shower, and drying my hair and then chosing a dress to wear and then light make up on by the time i was ready it was 10minutes to 8pm, so i got my keys to my car and drove to Brooks, my mum and dad are away they normally are away which is annoying but sometimes a good thing. I arrived their and i could see heaps of people alreay drunk and talking outside in groups i parked my car down the road so nothing would happen to it, as i walked inside i could see James dancing with a girl, i can see Skip talking to Beau, and I saw Luke, Jai and Becca by the drinks in the kitchen so i headed towards them. Becca spotted me first and she hugged me and was also suprised i was here she knew what i was like when not with my brother or Janoskians so i gave her a look telling her i would explain later, Becca is going out with Luke they are the cutest couple but some times they need to control their hormones or at least go into a room so we don't have to watch the pda show. Jai and Luke greeted me so i thought i will ask Jai if its true about me getting sent away, i asked him if we could talk and he nodded and we went into his room.

Jai - Whats up??

Melody - Is it true?

Jai - Is what true??

Melody - Is it true that i might get sent away? he didn't answer all he did was nod

Jai - I am sorry, we won't let your parents send you away, he said as he pulled me into a hug, i started sobbing on Jai i can't believe i might get sent away. After i was done crying i pulled out of his grip and stood into the mirror of Jai's bedroom i stared at it then just walked out back to the part i could see everyone James, Luke, Beau and Skip they all saw me and smiled i walked closer to them and i think they noticed i have been crying.

Luke - Whats wrong?? he said but i just stayed silent and looked at the ground, i didn't want them to see me crying so i just walked outside and they all seemed to follow i was about to walk out the gate so i could just drive home but someone grabbed my arm and i saw it was James and everyone was standing around him looking at me in confusion.

James - Mel whats wrong??

Melody - Don't call me that James, you aren't allowed to call me that no more, i said through gritted teeth.

James - Whats wrong Melody, he said

melody - WHATS WRONG I DON'T KNOW WHEN WE YOU EXACTLY GOING TO TELL ME YOU ONLY WANTED ME TO BE MYSELF SO YOU CAN SEE HOW BAD I WAS SO THAT YOU CAN SEND ME AWAY, YOU WANT TO SEND ME AWYA FINE I WILL LEAVE, i don't want to be here anymore anyway, i said as i was crossing the street i was in the middle of the road and was walking towards me car when i heard some shouting and then i saw bright lights, i could hear faint calls of my name but that when everything went black

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