Chapter 7

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James POV: While all the boys were finishing getting everything ready with movie, i went upstairs to see if Jai was out of the bathroom yet, as i walked i saw Jai sitting down with his arms around his legs and his head in his legs shit what's up with him. I don't know if i should ask or something its awkward talking about feelings or whatever but might as well try.

James - Oii Jai are you okay, as i said that he lifted his head up, he had different emotions in his eyes really hard to figure out what he is doing.

Jai - Umm yah man i am fine he said as he was getting up

Jame - You sure? i asked but he just nodded so we went back to the lounge everyone was quite loud except Jai, Luke must of noticed as well because he pulled him into the kitchen but the others didn't really notice.

Luke POV: When Jai came back from the bathroom, well thats where he told us he went but he wasn't talking much he was just starring at the ground it was weird, and not expected of him something must be up i should know twin instincts haha nah brother instincts as well, i decided that i will ask him whats up away from the others in the kitchen so i told Jai to help me carry some more drinks, he just nodded as he got into the kitchen i shut the door behind him which got him startled a bit but i had to ask him questions.

Luke - Jai whats wrong?? i asked

Jai - Nothing wrong, why would anything be wrong he said defensively

Luke - Dude something is wrong, now you have to tell your twin what is wrong now i said angrily

Jai - Their isn't something to tell and i don't have to tell you shit he barked

Luke - You got to tell someone besides i am your twin you can't keep secrets from me and you know it i said with a smirk, he just sighed and nodded

Jai - I umm, iwenttocheckonmelodytoseeifsheisokay,shewasawakeandwetalkedabithowclosewewerewhensherememberedtheniummwesortanearlykissednowiamconfusedanditwillbeawkward.

Luke - What?? i said confused he just sighed

Jai - I went to check on Melody to see if she is okay, she was awake and we talked for a bit about how close we were when she remembered then i umm we sorta nearly kissed now i am confused and it's going to be so awkward he said again but slower, i had no idea what to say to that shit this is going to cause drama.

Luke - Wow i said, and he just nodded

Melody POV: I tried to get to sleep but how could I get to sleep knowing that i almost kissed my supposdly best friend i'm sure we never kissed before that i remember, i try remember memorys with jai buty i can't i can remember nearly all my memories with everyone else except Jai, maybe he wasn't my friend before, maybe i should stay away from him since i still have no clue what he is like but what about ym phone he knew my code why would i just let him know my code if i weren't best friends with him uggggggggghhhhhhhh why is it this complicated well i am hoping i can get some sleep now.

* Early Next Morning*

I woke up from my phone going off, it was an alram saying go for a run, i was confused but guessing i use to go for run at 6:00am or something so might as well try and do my normal routine. I got out of bed got into running clothes, put my trainers on grabbed my ipod and put headphones in and quietly went down towards the door, i looked into the lounge and i could see 5 boys sound asleep i chuckled a bit then left. I started running i just run it felt natural for me, i just went were my conscience told me to go, as i was running a song came on it was a happy song called " When we're together" by Mark Harris their was a memory why i loved this song, it was of a movie but not just a movie one of my favourite movies called Courageou it is a sad but good movie and it made my dad cry which i couldn't help but laugh at, you would cry if you have seen the movie, anyway as that song played i started singing and running and i ended up at the park i was yesturday, i thought i would stop for a bit and just have a swing, I guess it was my regualr routine as i would call it since when i was their for 10 minutes i looked up and saw someone familair it was Luca

Luca - Hey Mel, i guess you remember a bit of your routine he said with a smile

Mel - Yah i guess, why are you here?? i asked a bit suprised

Luca - well i guess you don't remember all of it, anyway when you go for runs you would stop at park around this time to meet me and we would hang out and do stuff he said smiling

Mel - Oh yah and what stuff is that?? i asked with a wink, he chuckeld and pulled me off the swing andstarted leaning in, i started doing the same he had his arms around my waist bringing me closer and i had my arms wrapped around his neck, and then all of sudden i had my legs wrapped around his waist and he was holding me against a tree while kissing me we didn't break the kiss for about 2 minutes we were btoh heavy breathing looking at eachother then he started sucking on my neck and i was trying not to moan but he sucked on my neck harder making me moan loud which caused him to smile i brought his lips back to mine and continued kissing, he begged me for entrance which i allowed his tongue was leading mine it was so sexy he moaned which i was pleased about, we broke apart when my phone started ringing shit why now, i looked at who was calling and groaned of course it had to be James.

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