Chapter 4

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Melody POV: I woke up in a white room, i had no idea where i was and i looked around the room to see mum & Dad James, but their was also 4 other guys here and a girl but i don't know who they are, and it is a bit creepy i wanted to scream but i couldn't i didn't understand what happened at all, i was looking at each of the people that i didn't know then one of them was awake, he was kind of cute he looked like one of the other one but he didn't have a dot on his nose or a piercing, he saw me looking at him and hugged me, which terrified me some stranger is hugging me so i started screaming. he backed away and i looked around the room and everyone was awake, this time James hugged me and the mum & Dad, but when another person tried to hug me i got frightened and started shaking again, James must of noticed.

James - Melody whats wrong??

Melody - Who - Who are these people??

Mum - You don't remeber any of these people dear?? she asked but i just shook my head, the girl tried coming closer towards me but i was trying to get away from her.

Dad - I think we need a doctor, i will got get him.

Melody - Dad don't leave me i siad terrified as i looekd at all the strangers, then back at him he just hugged me and told me he will be right back and i just nodded my head.

Jai - Mel, you don't remember me? It's Jai come on remember he begged as he reached to touch my hand, but i removed my hand away so he couldn't grab it

James - Maybe you guys should go until we know whats happened aye?

Beau - Yah come on guys, bye Melody hopefully you will remember us soon he said smiling at me.

After they left i felt more relaxed and James noticed, he was staring at me weirdly soon the doctor came in to examine me, and soon discovered i have memory loss but will discover my memories at my own pace after i heard that i just blanked out, how could i not remember anything the last thing i actually remember is having christmas when I was 14, and James was 15 fuck how old am i now??, shit i can't remember anything i couldn't help but start crying this sucks.

James - Shush its going to be alright, what do you remember ??

Melody - I-i remember christmas when i was 14 and you were 15, h-how old am i now??

James - You are 17 and i am  18 he said which made me start sobbing

Melody - who were those people before??

James - Well it was Beau, Jai, Luke, Daniel and Becca they are best friends of me and you he said and i just nodded my head.

Dad - The doctor said you can come home today if you are up for it he asked and i just nodded my head.

As i was in the car looking out the window, i notcied bits of Melbourne that seems familiar some how i looked out the window some more and realised that we were home, my house it familar everyone let me go first i think they want to see if i know where my room is which i actually remember, i walked inside and looked around i saw a dog running up to me i didn't expect it but i sat down on my knees and patted him, i was trying to remember his name but nothing was coming to me but then i spoke " Boudles?" and he barked, it was boudles how could i forget my boudles i started laughing James, Mum and Dad came into the lounge where i was wondering why i was laughing.

James - Do you remember your dogs name? i nodded with a smile

Melody - It is Boudles i said happily which got my parents smiling and James hugging me whispering " you are remembering memories" he said proudly and i just nodded.

* Next Morning*

James POV: I had no idea how to get my sisters memory back but first i think she should start by remembering some of her friends so I thought i would invite her to hang with the Janoskinas and Becca today since they want to see if she remembers anything, i told them how she remembered her dogs name after seeing him so hopefull she will remember some memories of everyone together. Soon Melody was down stairs all dressed in clothes that i wouldn't approve of but i don't really want to fight with her today so i thought since she doesn't know any better it's alright for now, I told Melody how we will be seeing those people from yesturday and she just nodded her head. We walked outside she was staring at the ground then she grabbed her phone out of her shorts she must of got a text but must not remember her past code.

Melody - Do you know my past code for my phone? she asked

James - No but Jai does, i will introduce you to him again you guys were best friends that tell each other nearly anything i said and she smiled and nod her head, we soon reached the park and we saw everyone their Melody started wlaking behind me slowly as we reached everyone i think Jai was going to give Melody a hug but then remembered what happened so now he looks sad.

James - Okay Melody, this is Beau, Skip, Luke and Jai and this is Becca she is - before i could complete my sentence Melody spoke.

Melody - She is Luke girl friend?? she asked which caused everyone to smile at her

Becca - Do you remember anything else about us??

Melody - Umm, did we go shopping and you bought me these shorts?? she asked which caused a huge smile on Becca face

Becca - YES!!! omg you are remembeing more and more, yay as she hugged Melody, which Melody hugged back they started jumping around like normal times maybe it won't take as long to gte her memory back as  i thought

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