Chapter 22

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Jai POV: Today is the last day before the tour starts and the last time i will see Melody for a year at xmas time, she started telling me about why she was screaming and i couldn't believe what that fucking dick did to my girl, i wanted to tear his balls of and deep fry them and serve them to the dog but Melody was trying to keep me calm which after a while worked since i actually don't know what the guy looks like or how to find him. For the final day in Melbourne we all decided to go to the beach then the street fair at night, i couldnt wait it will be a good day to spend with Melody and i will be staying at Melodys tonight well all of us are because Melody flight is at 4am and ours is at 5am. Right now Melody asleep while Becca and Luke are making out on her couch downstairs, Beau, James and Skip have gone to beach to set up the volleyball net and stuff while i have to wake Melody up but she looks so peaceful at the moment.

Jai - mel, melly wake up i whispered into her ear as i slightly shook her body trying to wake her up, she started mumbling a bit then she yawned and woke up it was so cute when she was mumbling but i couldn't understand what she was saying.

Melody - Jai why did you wake me up? she grumbled as she hid under a pillow trying to get back to sleep.

Jai - Well babe we got a fun day planned so you need to get ready to go to beach and also bring stuff to wear for the street fair later tonight i said smiling

Melody - You know you still broke up with me we aren't actually going out at the moment she said which caught me by suprise because it was true i broke up with her but i want her back.

Jai - Right, Well Melody Sue Yammouni will you be my girlfriend again i asked kneeling on my knee like i was proposing which James interrupted before she could answer but he thought i was proposing

James - Jai what taking so long..., Dude you ain't marrying my sister she is only 17 years old.... he started ranting about which caused me and Melody to crack up laughing which got a confused look from James.

Jai - Dude calm down i was just asking Melody to be my official girl friend again but she didn't answer because you interrupted and started rambling on about marriage i said still laughing

James - Oh sorry, well we will be waiting in the car so hurry up you shits he said as he left and shutting the door behind.

Jai - Soooo?? will you be my girlfriend again? i asked with hopeful smile

Melody - Yes Jai of course she said as she got out of bed and kissed me then went to get ready for the beach.

Jai - Do you want me to leave you to get ready? i asked as she was grabbing her beach stuff which got her to chuckle a bit which got me a bit confused

Melody - If you want to leave but i really don't mind besides you can tell me if i look good in the bikini i want to wear she said as she winked at me which made me gulp a bit with nervousness and suprise but good suprise.

She found what she wanted to wear, then just took of her pjames which i couldn't help but watch her even thoguh it sounds perevrtish i am her boyfriend so i am allowed to watch i thoguht to myself but who cares, she noticed i was watching her and started giggling she walked closer towards me and leaned down and whispered into my ear.

Melody - Enjoying the show she whispered seductively into my ear which got me to lick my lips looking into her eyes as she was almost sitting on me with only just her underwear and bra, which i was enjoying a lot i just nodded my head as my response which got her to giggle more, she went back to what she was doing, she took of her underwear and bra and stood their for a couple of secondsthen grabbed her bikini and started putting it on it was a little bit more revelaling then her underwear and bra but whos complaining right?, she came over to me and asked if i could tie up the holder neck bit which i did as she sat on me rubbing her hand up and down my thigh so close to my dick i know she is doing it on purpose i was soon done and she stood up and i stood up as well she went towards her full length mirror and looked at it then turned around and asked how she looked, i grabbed her by the waist pulled her closer into me.

Jai - You look extremely beautiful even though you looked better without anything on i said which caused her to laugh and as she wrapped her arms around my neck i kissed her pulling her as close as she could be to me we kissed for a few minutes but needed to take a breath i started kissing up and down her jawline and neck, then i was brought back to her lips she was fighting dominace with our tongues but i won it was get into heavy make out session with Melodys legs around my waist and i was holding her by her arse and squeezing it a lot, and with her hands locked in my hair i was going towards her bed when we heard the car beep which broke our make out knowing we better get down their, she put on a pair of jean shorts grabbed my hand and grabbed her bag full of clothes as we rushed down to the car i quickly fixed my hair before we left the house. We jumped into the car giggling to ourselves which got suspicion from everyone but ignored. In one car was Beau, Skip, me and Melody and the other was James, Luke and Becca.

Skip POV: For the fourty five minute drive Me and Beau talked in the front while Melody and Jai would sit back whisper and giggle but mostly kiss it was gross to watch most of time beau had to yell at them to keep hands off eachother which caused them to laugh and it didn't last long only a few seconds until they were back to all kissy stuff, i decided to ring up Luke see what their car is doing.

Luke - Whats up Skip?

Skip - Nothing me and Beau our talking a bit while the happy couple in back can't keep their hands off eachother and keep whispering and giggling its gross to hear/watch i said which made Luke chuckle.

Luke - Aren't you lucky i will put you on speaker phone

Skip - Okay i will do the same

Luke - Are they still kissing and shit??

Skip - Yes it is disgusting to watch when they are all over eachother

James - Jai get off my sister!!! he yelled through the phone which got their attention

Beau - Nice job James they stopped, he said which got everyone in both cars to crack up laughing

Becca - yay we are here she said as i heard the door slam and we soon arrived so we hung up.

Skip - Finally now i'm not stuck with these two groping eachother every few seconds i said as i pointed towards Jai and Melody but they weren't paying any attention at the time because she was saying something to him which he agreed to.

Luke - Becca where are you? he shouted just before Becca jumped on his back and they fell to ground laughing, it was cute and i am a bit jealous of these cute couples i notice Beau and James prob fell the same we decided to go down and find some hot chicks to talk to leaving the couples to themselves.

Becca POV: Luke and I were messing around running along beach, having water fights the usual stuff, Beau,James and Skip were talking to a bunch of girls at the time and Jai and Melody they are dancing around like mad hatters. I thoguht maybe Luke, Jai Melody and I could play volleyball for a bit it would be fun to do either in couples or girls vs boys. I asked Melody and Jai if they wanted to play and they agreed we decided to go girls vs boys but one thing about us girls we both play volleyball at school when we were little and we both very good at it the last time i remembered. We started playing and the guys gave up after losing 7-2 me and Melody was laughing about how easy the game was when we were both lifted up by our boyfriends and was dumped into the water, me and Melody saw eachother underwater and gave eachother a mischevous grin knowing that maybe we should have some fun with this, we both stayed underwater as long as we could making the guys think we were drowning or something i know it isn't that funny but it was for us when the guys were freaking out because they carried us out and layed on sand freaking out that when Melody and I sat up cracked up laughing and ran towards the ice cream stand with Jai and Luke behind us it was funny. As the boys caught up to us Luke had grabbed Melody while Jai chased me it was weird because when Jai touched me my skin started burning it got me to stop running and i guess Jai felt the same because he touched his hand that brushed against my skin then looked back at me with a confused look just like i did. What the hell?? i thought and Jai was about to say something when Luke and Melody ran over and said that the others are waiting by the car to go to the street fair, Luke grabbed my hand and we walked towards the car and followed behind us was Melody and jai i looked behind and he was starring at me as well i turned around quickly ignoring that moment.

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