#8- Granny Joo

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"Let me help you up the stairs, Granny Joo." Muriel, Granny Joo's granddaughter said.

"I can do it maseelf!" Granny Joo snapped. Her Long-Eared Jerboa, Michelangelo St. Superteen, had just gone to the massive mini-mall in the sky.

That means he died.

"Granny Joo, you're like...a thousand." Muriel reminded her.

"I CAN DO IT MASEELF, CHILD." Granny Joo yelled.

Granny Joo hobbled over to the steep staircase. She slowly lifted her leg.

Muriel saw what was going to happen before it did. "Granny Joo! Waaaaait!" She called after her.

Suddenly, everything seemed to go into slow motion.

"Maaaaaseeeeeelf!" Granny Joo yelled back. But she couldn't do it haseelf.

Granny Joo tripped and-in slow motion- began falling.

Muriel leaped towards her, not thinking whatsoever.

Apparently slow motion doesn't last very long.

As Granny Joo was closer to the ground, slow motion...turned off?

Granny Joo face planted and Muriel flew into her at seventy mph. The speed limit of a highway.

No one survived.

And it's all Granny Joo's fault.


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