#7- Potted Plants

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"Marcy, I don't think you understand the responsibilities of having such a task." Margaret said to her friend Marcy as they stood outside of an old pet shop. "Oh can it, Margie. Yours only lasted a week!" Marcy fired back. Margaret gasped dramatically, "How dare you! Falafel Squat lasted for TWO weeks thank you very much." Marcy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Margie. I'm getting one anyway. No matter what you say!" And with that, Marcy opened the glass door. The little bell signaling the owner that a customer had entered.

"Hello, miss. My name is Frisky Ramen. How can I help you?" He said. Marcy stared at him in confusion. "Frisky Ramen?" She answered questioningly. Frisky Ramen's expression faltered into a half-hearted smile and then a far away look. "Yes...this used to be a dance club back in the 70's. I was the dancing king. A whole club, a whole empire dedicated to me. My name used to be David, but my ID was stolen and I was tired of being called Dav. I changed it to Frisky Ramen, which was close to the name of my club, "Zesty Noodle." Frisky Ramen became quieter until he wasn't speaking at all.

"Um...okay?" Marcy said, her eyes were wide with confusion and she was deeply concerned. "I just wanted to check out your pets." She said taking a step over to the many cages. Frisky Ramen shook his head as he came back from his memories. "Ah, yes the pets." He said with a smile. Marcy nodded slowly with a still concerned look on her face.

She turned her back towards Frisky and gazed at all the glorious pets. All different kinds, all different breeds. Finally, she found one that she liked. "Uh...Mr. Frisky?" Marcy called. "Yes?" He replied, appearing behind her. "I'd like this one please." She told him politely. "I thought you were just looking, do you even have money?" Frisky asked. Marcy nodded, "I was, but then I saw," She looked at the name tag. "Senior Hamburger Meat Before It's Killed So It's Still An Animal, and I just HAD to have him." Marcy said. Frisky looked a bit sad, "That one isn't for sale. He's just here for show. We got him in a while ago and well...he's a little too hostile." He explained.

"Please, Frisky! I'll pay any amount." Marcy said with a pleading look. Frisky sighed, "Fine, but only because I know you'll be back to return him." He said. Frisky pushed Marcy to the side and pulled the pet out of the cage. Setting him in Marcy's arms, Frisky stepped back with a smile. Marcy gazed lovingly at her new pet. The pet didn't look back at her. He didn't make a sound. "Maybe he's sleeping?" Marcy said reassuring herself. Suddenly, Frisky sprang forward. He punched Marcy in the face and smashed the pet into the ground. He used the remains of the animal to stab Marcy sixty eight times in her chest. "You couldn't of taken care of Senior  Hamburger Meat Before It's Killed So It's Still An Animal anyways." Frisky said with a sneer.

As Frisky walked away a paper fell off the wall landing on the ground. "Wanted," It read. "Frisky Ramen The Potted Plant Killer." 

He had been killing with potted plants for years. Bringing in multiple victims, all wishing for pets to call their own. They were just too stupid to realize. To carefree to understand. 

Potted plants are not animals. Stop treating them like it.

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