#1-Giant Mutant Baby

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The doctor put his hand on her arm and said gently, "You or the baby will survive. Not both. I'm sorry." Laura put a hand on her large stomach. "If my child were to never see the light of day then what good am I. To let this beautiful baby go to waste while I sit here and do nothing. I will let this child live and let it carry on my legacy. My death will be for the greater good." Laura smiled half heartedly. No doubt she was afraid of what would happen, and who wouldn't be?

"Do you not wish to speak with your husband about this first?" The doctor asked. "My husband is not alive anymore. At least now I can finally be with him." Laura replied. The doctor nodded, gave Laura a smile, and left the room. When the door shut completely, Laura pulled back the sheets on her hospital bed and stepped on to the cold floor. Her stomach jolted with pain from the sudden moment, but she tried her best to ignore it. Slowly, Laura stumbled over to the large counter that occupied the far left corner of the room.

Above the counter was a small cabinet that was filled will all sorts of medicines and strange bottles full of glowing liquids. Laura stared at all of the containers, not knowing which one would best suit what she was looking for. She knew it wouldn't be long before the doctor returned, so she needed to make a decision quickly. Upon hearing the sound of loud footsteps echoing down the hall, Laura grabbed any and all the bottles. She pulled off all of the lids and caps and swallowed the matter inside, making full bottles empty.

When the doctor walked in expecting to see his patient laying in her bed, he instead saw a crazed woman standing over a counter. Her face had the liquid medicines on them and a few pills were stuck in her hair. "Laura...?" The doctor said, reaching for the phone. "Avenge me, child." Laura said quietly.

The doctor picked up the phone and began dialing for help. Before he could do anything, however, Laura picked up a pair of scissors from the counter. "You will avenge me, child." She said again. An with that, she shoved the scissors into her chest above where the baby lay in her stomach. "No!" The doctor reached out his hand to Laura, thinking that she was commuting suicide. Instead, Laura tore through her skin with the scissors. Ripping a large hole in her stomach, the seven month old child fell from her body and on to the floor.

Along with it came her internal organs and her blood. All spilling on the tiled floor in one heaping pile. "Avenge." Laura whispered before collapsing to the ground, dead. The baby was crying. The doctor was frozen in place. Everything was a loud mess of silence.

Multiple doctors ran to the room when they heard the baby's cries. The smell in the room quickly became unbearable and before they even saw the disaster they were well aware. A doctor fainted and a few vomited. One nurse stepped in and took the baby out of the horrible scene to clean it off. It had nowhere to go now. Where would it go?

One week later

"This is reporter Jonny Lewis here taking you live to the downtown D.C. area. It appears that an outer worldly being of massive size has destroyed the entire place down here. We can only imagine what it could have been, but we're going to take you to see some people say that they got a first view witness of the crazy happening. Thank you, back to Susan Warsh at the studio." Jonny smiled grimly and the camera went back to Susan.

"Thanks, Jonny. Here we have Mr. and Mrs. Horkas saying that they know exactly what the thing was." Susan concluded, handing the microphone over to the Horkas. "Why, yes dear. We know just what it was. It was a giant baby." Mr. Horkas said with wide eyes. Susan laughed at this, "A giant baby? That's absurd." Mrs. Horkas shook her head. "No, no. We are positive it was a giant baby. It seemed to be about a week old maybe less, but it was ginormous." She said to Susan. She didn't sound like she was lying, but she was pretty old. How could there be such thing as a giant baby? And where would a giant baby go?

"Well, you heard it here, folks. Wether it was a...giant baby, or something else, it certainly wasn't good. That's all for today. See you tomorrow!" Susan smiled at the camera.

One month later
The world has ended. There is no months. There is no time. There is only a giant baby. A giant, mutant, baby.

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