Chapter Three (3)

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Owens p.o.v

[Same Day]

When lunch came around I went to my locker to get my lunch then to meet up with Tyler and his friends, whoever they were...

Can I trust them? I surely hope so.

Walking down the hall and into the open area by myself, I spotted Tyler, smiling to no one in particular, and walked to their table, I stood their silently not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

None of them turned around, or even noticed my existence; I guess the table was to full for me to sit down anyway and its not like I could even participate in their conversation–more or less hear what their talking about. So, leaving it with that decision, I turned on my heels and walked away, head down and stalked to the door and went to sit under a vacant tree, I just dont fit in with anybody I guess.

Pulling out my sandwich from the bag and picking off the crust I took a bite, chewed, then swallowed, and redid that process until I had no more of my sandwich to eat. Then pulling out my juice box and not long after finishing with my chocolate dipped granola bar. Yah, I eat fast. Dont blame me. 

 Laying here with my hands tucked behind my head thinking, filling my brain up with thoughts; Am I really that unnoticed? Do people just walk past me and not look at me because Im not worth their precious time, because I know I cannot hear, and choose not to speak but I have no reason to...

But they dont have to ignore and or feel bad for me, Im a normal kid that wants people to talk to, and to be able to share secrets with–Ive never told nobody that Im gay or the reason I dont talk–Im talking about the true friends that are rare to find. I want somebody to talk–well in my case, write and or text to, that I can trust and can come over. I dont want to be remembered for 'The deaf kid that I felt bad for'

Clearing my mind I closed my eyes, just a couple minutes. just a couple minutes. I repeated in my head. And not even a second after that I was out.  


I woke up with a sharp pain in my side, rubbing my eyes so they adjusted faster, him–Sean, Jared, and Tanner, which were the other guys he bullies me with, an yes, Im nice I actually used their names.

The two grabbed my arms forcing me up, nearly tripping I stood up and looked confused at all them.

'You got me in trouble you mutt' he stepped closer. So we were a couple inches apart.

Did he just call me a mutt? A mutt. Is that not a dog or something rather dirty? I looked him in the eyes–dark green eyes which were filled with anger. Trying to get out of Jared and Tanners death-grip but it was no use. But I didnt want to stay here and get beat up; So I tried again.

Right when they loosened their grip, I tumbled to the ground–the taste of my salty blood was in my mouth and my jaw hurt. I sat on all fours and stit out the blood.

Well did that ever hurt.

Jared's foot collided with my ribs and i fell on my back.  I feel like a rag doll being thrown around. Sean was yelling but his lips were moving to fast, and I couldnt even pick up one word.

Before Sean was done he grabbed a fist full of my shirt and retracted his arm punched me in the nose, I yelped in pain as he punched me again. The tears that were building in my eyes fell; mixing with the blood draining from my nose that I cupped with my hands.

I ran to the parking lot–and ompfh–I ran into somebody. Rubbing my eyes I looked and it was Tyler, shock, worry, rage and confusion were trapped in his dark brown eyes.

'Come on' he mouthed not wasting any time, he moved my hands to pinch my nose. I groaned in pain, and he gave me the 'sorry' look. He walked to a black Jeep Patriot, he opened the passanger door and lifted me into the seat facing me sideways and opening my legs so he could get a better view of my bloody nose. He grabbed something from the glove box and replaced my hand with paper towel squeezing it once more–I watched him as he cleaning my face.

He smiled gently at me, continueing to clean my face. He tipped some water onto a wet paper towel and dabbing around my mouth.

My throat started to tighten, and my eyes watered some more until I broke out into uncontrollable sobs, I may just have a bloody nose but what if he didnt stop? What if I never ran into Tyler and Sean followed me–would he of taken in to a whole other level for getting him in trouble? Because Im different. Because Im gay? Because Im deaf?

Tyler noticed put the stuff down and pulled me into a tight warm embrace and let me cry into his shirt, I grabbed a hand full of his shirt and buried my face deeper into his chest as I started to hicc-up I couldnt even breathe straight. He rubbed my back and smoothed my hair out on my head.


Picture - Sean

Song - Dedication to my ex....


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