Chapter Forty-Four (44)

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Tylers p.o.v

I sat in the shower against the far wall in swimming trunks. Ms Ran--Abigail, wanted Owen to take a shower instead of a bath because the doctor said water was seeping into the cast.

We thought it would make Owen more comfortable if I went in with swim trunks, rather nude.

I saw the curtain pull open and Owen put his non-casted foot in first, then brought the other one over. I looked up at his face, knowing he probably didnt want me to look at his body.

He stepped into the water before me, then streached his arms out, reaching for me; pulling me under with him.

He huddled into my chest, and I slowly closed my arms over him, pulling him in closer, letting the water wash over us both. He shook slightly, then relaxed.

I pulled away and got some shampoo, squeezing some into my hands, rubbing them together and sud-zing Owens hair with the shampoo, making sure none got into his beautiful eyes.

We got out a few minutes later, me drying Owens hair, and him styling it with one hand. He kept touching his hair, I think he was embarrassed about the roots, but that was ridiculous. He was still beautiful.

Smiling, I let him get dressed in his room. Then went to the guest room--where I got dressed.

Owens p.o.v

"Owen, its OK. You look beautiful," Tyler told me for about the hundredth time.

But I think he was lying, because I look horrible. I always looked bad. I had to wear the catheter, and sweats, as for the shirt I wore a nice purple shirt, that fit my skinny figure well.

Tyler is taking me to go see his mom, because she said, quote; I want to see the beautiful boy who took my son heart, un-quote.

So I agreed, he said his mom is not bad, its his horrid dad.

So, were going out into the busy town, to go get brunch or whatever you call it. Where its noon, but a little past.

But I was nervous, what if she though poorly of me because how I look, did he tell her what happened to me? Will she be disgusted with me? Will she be disgust that I let myself get hurt, get raped, and I didnt do anything to stop it?

Maybe she will think of me as an attention whore.

A whole bunch of thoughts were running through my mind, what if she doesnt like me? What if Im not beautiful enough?

Looking up at the front window. We pulled up to a resturant which had a patio outdoor.

Unlocking the doors, Tyler rushed to my side before I could even open my door. Smiling, he pecked me on the cheek, "You looks beautiful," he whispered, and for some odd reason I blushed.

Giving me a quick peck on the cheek. He took my arms and lead me inside to the front booth, wrapping his arms around me, "The name is under Lorna Williams" his voice rang.

The person--guy, nodded looking at me. Which I got slightly uncomfortable by. Nodding, and grabbing two menu's he lead us to a table outside in the shade. Walking us to a table were a lady already sat, dark brown hair, down and wavy, wearing a dark red, silky maybe blouse, and jean capri's.

Standing instantly as we came to the table, "Oh my boy!" she rushed up to Tyler, and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek."And you my beautiful" she turned to me, about to give me a hug--but I flinched,

"Mom, you have to take it slow, new people" Tyler told her.

Nodding an understanding, she took my good hand and shook it, "Owen?" she smiled, and I nodded, trying to smile, but not wanting to show my teeth at the same time.

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