Chapter Fifteen (15)

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Owens p.o.v

We were all in the Jeep, and it was early in the morning because we had to sleep at Tamarah's house... And we would have made it late if we didnt leave early... And also well because we needed food to last us a couple weeks.

I was showed what it looked like, and it didnt have much other Cabins. It was only one, and a dock...

So basically it was a creek.

Now we were driving on a narrow road. We were out of the city.

Ive have never been camping or whatever you call going to a creek before. But I understand why my mom never took me, the car would be stuffy and bumpy and you wouldnt even be able rest because the damn bumps.

Tyler rested his hand on my shoulder and scooted me over so I was able to lean my head on him, which helped so I rested my eyes as the wind blew through my hair from the passanger window that was open.

Tyler p.o.v

They guys and I are repeating a tradition--going to the creek for spring break.

But now we have Owen to share it with, y boyfriend. Owen had never been to the creek with us so it will be new to him... Not like we do anything special though... Go swimming, camp outside and on rare occasions when it rains we sleep in the cabin my parents had bought and rented, and have fires, is how it actually goes.

My parents started the tradition and we are carrying it on. The number one rules are not using the cabin unless its an emergency. We got everything we need outside, I think they even put a lock on the cabin and told me if it rains to sleep in the Jeep.

My parents may be rich but they are into camping and such.

Odd I know.

Its about half an hour maybe fortyfive minutes until we arrive and jump in the water after a good year of being without it.

Its like my second home.

I pulled Owen into me because I could tell he was getting annoyed because he couldnt close his eyes for two seconds without us hitting bumps. Even though it was cute, I didnt want him to be angry.

He is my responsibility, his mom gave me the 'talk' about being his boyfriend, and she even gave me 3 rules that I had to follow and she wouldnt beat me.

1. I could not lead Owen on.

2. Treat him like hes yours.

3. Dont hurt my baby, or I will rip off your head.

I get why she said those things though, hes fragile and had a bad past... and well I just fouund out that I liked her son after I thought I was straight.

I havent even took him on a date yet. Shit. When we get back I will, and it will be special.

The radio was blasted and I had one hand on the wheel and one around Owen he had fallen asleep in my side and everybody else was too--except Joe.

"Hey" I greeted looking back at him through the rear view mirror.

His head snapped up and he gave a small smile "Whats up?" he asked.

"Nothing" I shrugged, and Owen shifted. "You?" I replied looking out the front window.

"Excited, man, cant wait to get in the water. Do you think Owen will go in?" He asked.

He asked about Owen, it caught me off gaurd because the first time I was staying at Owens he called and started to say rude things about him, but he did appologize.

"Uh... He might, I think so" I mumbled not realy thinking.

"Alright" he smiled.

The rest of the way I was still thinking about Joe asking about Owen, it might seem weird or even rude to think it is fishy, but still... I had my reasons.

I turned down a even narrower path and had to let go of Owen and hold the wheel with both hands so we wouldnt go swerving off the path.

Which caused him to do a silent yawn and stretch a little, and his tiny bones each did a little crack and he rubbed his eyes. Looking so cute, making me smile at him.

Everybody was now up, or stopped what they had been doing and started to talk and discuss were they would pitch there tents, and who they were sharing with. I didnt really want to be by any of them; I wanted to focus on Owen.

We were sharring my tent, I had to bring my two man tent because the space issues.


 Enjoyy ~!

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