Chapter Twenty-Four (24) Part 2 ......

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Owens p.o.v

I was laid down on Tylers lap, while he drived to his house. The whole french kiss plan, was running wildly through my mind; the steps about how I was going to get this done.

And yah, OK it may be illegal, and unsafe to be laying on his lap because there is an emergency break poking my side, and I could get stabbed and bleed to death if he got into a car crash, but I am cold whenever he is away from me, and like I said before, thats not on my mind right now. 

But I wasnt kidding about being cold, I was actually cold; because neither of us had brought our jackets. So we decided, that were going home—to his house.

Tyler looked down at me, when the car jerked to a stop. Kissing my forehead. I got up and looked over the dashboard, a white two story house stood in front of me; it was bigger than mine, yet smaller then Tamarahs. grabbing onto the handle, I pulled in back, and opened the door, climbing out.

Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started to pull me up the drive way, he punched in a code and the garage door slowly opened, It had about five cars in it, all dark colours; they were mostly all black, though.

He opened the door front garage door, and I was introduced to dark panelled wooden floors, light brown painted walls going all the way to the end of the entrance. And as we walked into the house, there was stairs to the left that went up in a circular spiral, and as we kept going there was the living room, which was the same light brown as the entrance, but had a brown rug, separating it from the kitchen, which was a whole difference story, the kitchen walls were tiled and the counters were a brown granite, they had a huge fridge the one with two doors, one that was the freezer and the other the normal fridge, and an Ice dispenser on the outside.

The stove which was a shiny black, had four tops, dials to control the temperature.

As for the furniture it was all black leather and expensive looking, the TV, lets just say it was huge, and thats the end of it. They had plenty of family pictures with gold plaque’s naming what they all were, and when they were taken.

There as a big bookcase with expensive looking books; all mystery and suspense, with the laptops and other reading devices on the second shelf.

I turned around to face Tyler; looking him in the eyes and locking my arms around his waist, and resting my head on his chest. Rocking us back and forth.

I wonder, why does he like me, when there is Tamarah, or Jackie he could like, and they could all hear, even though they were girls, I think thats what his parents would want better that a deaf boy, but also they lived like he did, the more upper-class, rather than me, who is like middle class, and  unstable.

I pushed myself further into him. God,  I want to just die here, his smell. Ugh. Or I could eat him.

"Im tired" I yawned, wanting to see Tylers room. He nodded as I looked up and him, and lifted me up, so my arms were around his neck and legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

He turned off the down stairs light and started toward the spiral stairs climbing them.

Turning on the light to his room, and lets just get the explaining over with, his bed was huge with a black and gray comforter, that high off the ground puffy looking. He had a dresser in the corner of the room, a night stand near his bed, a desk near his dresser , and then a body mirror hung on his wall.

He walked over to a wall, and slid the door open and there was his walk in, closet.

The bathroom, was right next to the body mirror and across from the huge bed.

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