I laughed as Brandon tickled me I was at his house I just had left school on this boering Monday but seeing Brandon makes this Monday perfect Brandon's older than me by 3 years but I'm going to 18 soon.
Ok Brandon I'm sorry I take it back. I said trying to catch my breath.
Thats what I thought. He replied with a laugh.
Where are we going this weekend? I asked him as I pulled my phone out.
Why do you think I'm always taking you some where every weekend? He asked.
Cause you always do. I said replying to Dabria's text message.
Well I have to work. He said getting up.
But its the weekend bae. I said.
Yeah but I told them I could work. He said.
Why? I asked.
Cause I want to Ari. He replied.
Ok fine maybe we can go next weekend. I said and kissed him.
Where you going? He asked as he held my waist.
Dabria's. I said.
Don't do nothing stupid. He said.
Boy bye. I replied and walked out to my car.
I knocked on Dabria's door like I was the police. She came to the door and looked at me like I was crazy.
Girl what the-
I cut her off by walking in laughing but stopped when I saw people in there livingroom.
Oh you have guest. I said.
Yes I do fool. She said.
I'm sorry. I said.
Yeah you should be, but this is Kennedy my friend and her boyfriend Karrio. She said.
You mean Kennedy from that party and she threw up like 2 years ago. I said with a smile.
Yes. Dabria said trying not to laugh but Karrio did he was fine af made me melt his eyes where green GREEN he was light skinned and had the most beautiful smile.
I guess I was starring hard cause Dabria snapped her fingers in front of my face. I blushed and looked at Bria like she was crazy for doing that to me. She giggled and I rolled my eyes.
We're going to a dinner at Kennedy's brothers house Danny tonight. You wanna come? She asked.
I looked at her then at Kennedy. Ok I'll be there.
Ok see you later sexy. Dabria said with a smile.
I flipped my hair. I know. We busted out laughing.
It start at 5. She said.
Ok I'll make I be late. I said with a laugh and walked out.
It was now 4 so I got in the shower, I got out and wrapped my towel around my body and let me wet natural curly hair drip. I walked into my closet and looked through my clothes not knowing what to wear at all. My phone started to ring I ran and picked it up it was Brandon.
A: Hey baby
B: What you doing?
A: Getting ready for this dinner
B: What dinner?
A: Dabria's friends brothers dinner
B: Alright I'm getting ready now
He hung up this nigga did not just not do that, did he just invite hiself? I laughed and went back into the closet and picked out my outfit. I blow dryed myhair and plugged my flat irons up and started to put on blush, I flat ironed my hair, I put on my Turquoise strapless dress and Red platform heels and Red lipstick, I sprayed my hair and put some perfume on. I picked my bag up and went downstairs my mom, dad, and sister sat in the livingroom watching a movie.
Where you going? My mom asked.
A dinner with some friends. I replied.
Are those me heels? Admire asked.
No. I said with a screw face.
Just making sure. She said after rolling her eyeys.
Girl bye. I said and walked out the house and just in time Brandon pulled up I got in.
You look sexy. He said.
Thanks. I said.
To be going to a dinner. he said.
I rolled my eyes. I want to look good so what.
Yeah some pants a shirt and some plain shorts would've been good. Whats this dinner for anyway? He asked.
I dont know they didn't say. I said.