What a surprise

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"How did you find me," I screamed seeing my boyfriend of two years walk in.
"That's none of your business. Why are you here anyway," he said.
"Andrew, you don't need to know that," I said.
"Yes I do need to know that you're my girlfriend. Now tell me," he said this time with more anger.
"Fine I'm trying to get 5sos to play at my best friends party and I didn't want you to know because I knew you would get mad because their a bunch of guys," I said looking at him with a worried look.
He looked around for a couple of minutes then finally said," Sarah if this is how you're going to treat me then its over. Bye."
"Fine leave I don't care if that's what you want but I'm more interested in making my friend happy then being with a jerk like you so its over anyway," I said walking into a back room away from Andrew.
When I got in there I noticed the guys just staring at me," Hey I'm sorry but I was kind of wanting to ask you guys a favor if that's okay," I said.
"Sure but first you have to tell us your favorite band member," Mikey said in a sexy voice.
"Well I don't really have one," I said.
"Come on every fan at least has a secret favorite,"Luke said in his very sexy man voice.
"Well I really don't know because I'm sorry Cashton but I'm stuck between Mike," I said in a weird freakish tone.
"Its okay," Cashton said at the same time.
"I'm very flattered but who's boyfriend material," Mikey said eagerly making you realize what was going on. They were asking me out.
"Well I'm not sure but I can start with saying bad boy Mikey then Luke ," I said.
"Hell yeah. Do you think that maybe the answer to your favor could be yes if maybe you said yes to being my girlfriend," Mikey said. I knew today was the right day to wear my ripped black skinny jeans and Green day shirt.
"Duh, yes," I started laughing as Mikey walked over and picked me up.
"Good. Now your favor?," he asked.
"Oh yeah I was wondering since my friends birthday party is coming up could you maybe sing at least one song for her? She is a huge fan," I said finishing with the words "She's your biggest fan" knowing they would say yes.
"Okay that's simple now how are we going to manage a first date in Paris I guess I would have to talk to your mom or something," Mikey said making me smile.
"I would love to go but you wouldn't ask my mom or dad you would have to ask my grandma because my mom and dad died when I was only 2 years old," I said almost crying.
"I'm sorry I didn't know," Mikey said in the most sincere voice possible.
"Don't be its not your fault as you said you didn't know."
All the boys other then Mikey had been dead silent listening to us.
"So Ashton you know I've been wanting to play drums. Do you think you could give me lessons," I said changing the subject.
"Heck yeah I'd love to," Ashton said.
"Also can I just call you Ash it sounds cool," I said.
"Sure," Ash said and from there came his nickname.
"I've got to go, talk to you tomorrow or something." I said waving.
"Wait first, do you have a phone?" I could hear Mikey ask.
"Yes I do. I almost forgot I wanted your number," I said laughing and handing Mikey my phone and taking his to put my number in.
"Thanks," we both said at the same time laughing.
"Bye guys," I said.
"Bye," they all said as I walked away.
Later that day.
I had made it home.
"Hey grandma," I said walking inside.
"Hey sweetheart," she said.
"I'm going upstairs."
"K. I'll call you down when dinners ready.
When I was finally safe in my room I turned on video chat with my best friend Haley.
"Hey Haley," I said looking into her beautiful eyes I loved her. She was awesome.
"Hey girl what's up," she said looking back at me.
"You'll never guess who I met today," I said smiling as I remembered Mikey's gorgeous features.
"Oh my gosh who?"
"5 seconds of summer."
"No way."
"Yes and if you don't believe me I will give you my new boyfriends phone number."
"What does Andrew have to do with this?"
"Not Andrew, me and him broke up."
"Who do you mean then?"
"I mean Mikey. When I went to go talk to them he asked me out."
"You're luring give me the number."
"K, give me one second."
Instead of getting Mikey's number you asked him for Luke's and gave Haley that one instead not telling her it was Luke's. Luke was her favorite band member.
"Hello," she left on her video chat while she called him.
You couldn't tell what he was saying but you knew anyway because you had already told him what to say. So the conversation should have gone:
Hello< Haley
Hi< Luke
Um is this Michael Clifford?
Um no I'm sorry this isn't Michael Clifford
Oh well then sorry about that my friend told me this was someone from 5sos.
It is.
But you just said you weren't Michael.
I'm not.
Then who are you?
I'm Luke Hemmings.
Oh my gosh you're kidding me
Nope its really me
I'm your biggest fan
So I've heard
And so on...
She finally turned and looked at me in disbelief.
"Only if you do me one favor," I heard her say.
He said something then all of a sudden she said," Is it true that Mikey is dating Sarah?"
"Cool we can meet up tomorrow boyfriend, but I've got to go right now bye."
Then she hung up the phone.
"Omg Sarah did that seriously just happen?"
"Yep it did. Also guess who's performing at your birthday party?"
"No way."
"Yep 5sos."
"And you know how I can play the guitar but I've been wanting to learn how to play the drums."
"Ash is giving me lessons."
"Oh my gosh so cool. I can't wait for tomorrow me and Luke are going to meet and he asked me out."
"I know he told me."
"Omg really."
"Yeah he also said 'thanks for letting me talk to your friend Haley can't wait to meet her.'"
He also called her sexy but nobody needed to know that little detail.
"Well got to go going shopping in a few," I said ending the video chat.

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