Going home.

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I sit there picking at my muffin and thinking. Thinking about Harry, Louis, dad. Everybody. I don't notice anyone sit by me till they speak. "Hello." I jump up taken by surprise. Relief rushes through me when I realize it's Harry. I glare and hit him on the arm. "What was that for?" He asks laughing and rubbing his arm. "For scaring me you twat!" I sit there and his laughing dies out. "So uh, Louis wanted me to bring you home." "Why couldn't he come get me himself?" Harry rubs the back of his neck and gives me a look mixed with sympathy and pity. Realization dawns on me. "Oh he's with her." I spit out with anger. His 'girlfriend' of two years is a cheating bitch. Gabby is only with him because of the gang. He nods. Harry hates her too. "I miss Summer.." I whisper looking down. Summer was his girlfriend of 5 years before Gabby came. It's like she put him under a spell and he left Summer. She comes over and stays in my room with me. Louis gets this look of love and regret when he sees her. He won't break up with Gabby though. Every time I bring it up he changes the subject. It's quite horrible really. Harry nods. We sit in the quiet for a while sipping our drinks. Harry abruptly stands up and grabs my hand throwing a twenty on the table and runs to his truck. "Hey! I wasn't finished!" He doesn't say anything. He pulls out and speeds off down the road towards an unknown place. "Harry? Harry what's wrong?" He doesn't answer but just keeps mumbling about keeing 'her safe'. Ten minutes later we pull up into a small house. He jumps out and walks around and pulls me into the house I presume is his home. He sits with his head in between his knees heavily breathing. I slowly walk to him and touch his back. "Harry..?" He jumps and scares me. "Oh I'm um I'm very sorry, I just," he sighs and sits down. "Are you going to take me home?" I ask. He looks up like he's forgotten what he was sent to do. "Oh uh yeah." When I get home I got straight to bed ignoring Louis and Gabby on the couch. Making out again.

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