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As Harry drives me home I can't help but think of Louis' reaction. I don't want him beating Harry up again I just want him to let me do something I want and stop treating me like I'm five years old. I'm almost 18 so I'll soon be able to do whatever I want.

As we pull up to my house I can't help but shake the nervous feeling

"Darcy, are you alright?" Harry asks. "When are we going to tell Lou?"

He's frowns and thinks for a moment. I look at him expectantly hoping he'll try to figure it out. He lets out a long sigh. "I guess when we make it official."

I bit my lip and nod. I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to get out, but Harry grabs my arm and pulls me close kissing me. Hard. I smile and kiss him back before pulling away. "I have to go, sorry." I kiss his cheek and hop out walking to the front door preparing myself for what's about to come.

I looks back and wave to Harry. He smiles and waves back before pulling away and speeding down the street.

As I walk into the house it's very quite. I look around and head into the living room to be meet with my father and Louis looking at me. I shyly wave. "Hello." They just look at me.

My dad looks between Lou and I. "Well go ahead Louis." He says. Louis looks at the ground then me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go crazy it's just that I wanted to tell you because it's not his story to tell and he's not involved."

I laugh with no humor. "He is just as involved as we are. He was there that night too." I hiss. Louis looks down, ashamed. I sit by him. "I get you wanted to tell me, I really do but I needed answers then and you weren't there. You were gone. But that's the thing. You are always gone. And I need you to be here more. I get that you're busy but can you please try to be here?"

I don't realize I have tears streaming down my face before Louis takes his thumbs and wipes them away. He gives me a small smile and kisses my head, pulling me in for a hug, "I promise." he whispers.

When we pull away I ask, "When are you going to break up with Gabby?".

He chuckles "I did earlier actually." "Finally!" I look over to talk to dad but I've seen he has gone off to his room or else where. "So, does that mean you'll get with Summer?" I ask smiling. He blushes and mumbles a 'maybe'. I laugh and kiss his cheek. "You better." I say joking.

As I head off to my room I hear Louis call my name. "Yeah?" "I love you!" I smile. "I love you!"

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