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After I woke up from that terrible dream I was still in Toby's lap, in the beautiful field. I woke up with a jolt though and that freaked Toby out a little also.

"Bad dream?" He asked me.

"Yeah. you could say that."

"Want to tell me about it?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.

"Not really." I said, getting up and walking over to the last ray of sunshine left before the sunset. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked. He got up and walk over to me. He stood a little too close for my taste do I started to back away. He would get closer every time. I eventually backed away so far that I ran into the cave wall. He came closer. He put his arms on the wall around me. Trapping me.

"Do I scare you?" he said with a smile. But not a nice smile. A serial killer smile.

"Yes." I said looking away from him. I couldn't run because of how close he was to me. His arms making a barrier.

"Well don't be." He said under his breath. When he said this I looked up. And he kissed me. As soon as he took his lips off of mine I ran. I ran out of the cave and into the house. I went straight to my bedroom and locked the door. Toby ran after me. He was trying to get the door open, but he couldn't because it was locked.

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" He yelled at me. shacking the handle of the door furiously.

"NO, stay away! You creep!" As I said this he stop with the handle. And walked away. I felt safer now.


"Why doesn't she remember me yet?" I thought to myself. I walked over to the kitchen and got out a glass. I poured me some wine and sat down at the table. "Cheers to me. For being the worst me possible." I need to record some games for Tobygames so I walked back upstairs after finishing my drink. I walked over to Kat's door.

"Hey I have to record... something. If you need me I'll be in my room." I said to the door.

*silence* I exhale loudly and walk over to my room. "be normal." I thought. putting on my headphones.


What was he recording??? I was very curious. I could hear him in his bedroom screaming.... What is he doing?? I decided to see what he was doing. So I unlocked the door and went over to his room as silently as possible. I opened the door a little and peaked inside. He was sitting at his computer playing amnesia. Why was he recording a video game?

What are you doing?" I asked. the realized his headphones were too loud for me to hear him. So I figured I could ask him later. I walked downstairs and saw his car keys on the counter. Would I dare? His car could break through the fence easily.

I grabbed the keys and ran outside. His car was outside the driveway. I unlocked it got inside and started it up. I guess Toby knew what I was doing. He came running over to the car. So I drove as fast as I could, and luckily enough. The car went straight through the fence. I drove for about a mile. and realized I had no idea where I was going. I was surrounded by forest. All I could see was trees. I heard a strange noise and looked in the rear view mirror. Toby was cooking up toward the car in a four wheeler. I locked the doors.

"Your not going to find a way back." he said hopping off the vehicle.

"Yes I will. just watch me." I said with an attitude.

"What are you going to go back too? Because as far as I'm aware. there's a lot of people out to kill you. A lot." He said this very seriously. I believed him. I didn't know why people wanted me dead. But he was definitely telling the truth.

"Okay. We can go back. On one condition." I said.

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