Cracking skulls, and hearts

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"What the hell was that for!" Spencer yelled at me after I punched him.

"I told you not to tell him you little bitch!" Spencer was holding his hand over his eye where I punched him.

"Why did you not want me to tell him?!" He was making me more mad with every word.

"That's not the point! Your my best friend! Your supposed to be on my side!" I stormed out of the room. Went over to mine and Toby's room. He didn't say anything. I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside.

"Where are we going?" Toby asked me as I continued dragging him being me.

"The meadow. I know he won't find us there." When I said this Toby swooped me up bridal style and started running to the cave.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEW!" Eco'ed through the cave. Toby had a beautiful voice. No matter what sound or accent he was using. We finally made it to the rock that hid the entrance of the meadow. Toby slid it out of the way and we walked inside. instantly I was realized with the rays of sunlight streaming in the hole in the roof of the cave. I walked over to a soft part of the grass and laid down in the sunlight. Toby walked over to me and laid down also. I took his hand in mine, our hands fit perfectly together.


I am thankful that Spencer told me. but then again. He Lied to Kat saying he wouldn't. therefore I shall be mad at him. until further notice from Kat that she forgives him. But now that I knew Kat was mine I was going to keep it that way. I know Spencer has the hots for her, and if he tries anything. I can always torture him in my basement. I mean, after all. I am a kidnapper.

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