The Big Date

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I walked down to the big rock that blocked off the entrance to the meadow, it was already open. Toby must have known I couldn't move that myself.

when I got into the meadow two of Toby's "goons" closed off the barrier. I giggled a little bit. Toby has people working for him. to do his work. How rich was Toby? What is his job anyway? It must be something he can do from home because he never leaves. He was recording himself play a video game the other day? I guess I will have to ask him later.

I walk to the middle of the meadow where rays of soft moonlight are shining in. Toby had set up a picnic blanket, basket, and all the plates and food for the date already. But where is Toby. I went and sat down on the blanket and looked around I saw a figure in the darkness.

"What are you doing silly?" I ask him.

He gives out an evil laugh. What is he plotting?

"T-toby" I said with a shaky voice. He walked out into the moon light. He was wearing a suit and bow tie, he had a white rose in his hand.

"Don't you look fancy." I said with more confidence now that I saw him.

"You like? and the evil laugh was because I was standing in darkness. It just felt like the right moment." I laughed, he came and sat next to me on the blanket. He wrapped his arm around my neck. So many questions popped into my mind.

"What's your job?" I blurted out. Why did I have to ask THAT question right NOW! I'm so stupid.

"I'll show you in a minute." He said putting his hand on mine.

"okay?" How can he SHOW me his job? I guess I have to find out.

"A while ago you said as far as you know people were going to kill me if I didn't stay here. what's that all about?" He sighed.

"You are the daughter of a very rich man, you see. and with riches come... power... and with power comes....enemys." He said like he didn't know how to explain it.

"Just tell me what my dad did." I said.

"He was very very good with computers." He said to me as if I did t know.

"Continue." I edged him on.

"He hacked into the United States Crime computer files and took all known facts about my father." He must have been able to tell I was super confused.

"My dad was your dads best friend. and my dad did something bad. So with the amount of money your dad has he built up a super computer so he could hack into everything and get him out of all his charges. Therefore people want him dead, and his offspring....."

"Oh wow. Wait our dads were best friends?" He got a little sad.

"We were best friends too, you just don't remember me." I looked at his face for a while, maybe I remember him.

"Buscus?" I used to call him that when we were younger. I don't remember why. I just did I guess.

He smiled that beautiful white smile that I loved. His teeth were perfectly straight. He never wears his retainer even though it sits on our bathroom sink so I know he has one. I guess he is just naturally like that, beautiful.

"You finally remember me." He said pulling me into his arms. He didn't tell me because he wanted me to remember him. He really wasn't a total stranger that kidnapped me.

The rest of the date was us just talking and stuff then he carried me back to the house. He was used to just carrying me everywhere, it was nice. When we got back to the house I took off my shoes and went to our bedroom. when Toby walked in he was holding up his iPhone and talking to it.

"Hello once again audience." He said with enthusiasm. He rambled on about things I didn't know about them he pointed the phone toward me.

"And this is my girlfriend Kat." He said, I could tell I was blushing extremely so I just smiled and walked away.

When he was done he walked over to me. He smiled and kissed me lightly.

"I'm a youtuber." He said. So he is famous. and gets paid for making videos.

"Your fangirls are going to be mad." I said.

"Looks like the government aren't the only people out to kill you." He laughed.

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