Little rooms

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I can't say I didn't like what Toby was doing to me when he was torturing Spence. I actually quit enjoyed it. A LOT. I'm actually starting to really like Tobes. I feel like if he didn't kidnap me. We could actually date. I was thinking about all of this while sitting on me and Tobys bed. Spencer walked in and sat next to me.

"Why am I here?" He asked me.

"Why am I?" I asked back. He snickered at that.

"I don't know, I didn't know he had kidnapped you too. I thought you guys were dating." I blushed as he said this. "You love him don't you?" He asked me when he saw me blush.

"Yes. A little. I mean. He is the coolest guy I have ever met!" I was being over dramatic again. crap.

"I'm ganna tell him!" He sang. He better not.

"If you value your life, you better not." He got serious after that.

"You wouldn't kill me." He smiled.

"No. but Toby would." He stopped smiling. He knew Toby would love that.

"Okay okay I won't." He said and got up and walked out the room. Shortly after Toby came in. He ran and jumped on the bed. wrapping his arms around me. pulling me down to lay with him. He was all of a sudden really happy. I looked up at his beautiful hazel eyes. He looked at me, leaned in and kissed me softly. This time instead of resisting, I excepted the kiss. We laid there kiss I g for a long time. The we just lay there in silence. He still had his arms around me. I opened my mouth to say something but Toby interrupted me.

"Spencer told me." As soon as he said this I was furious. My face got hot. and I could feel my face turning red. Toby untapped his arms from around me. I got up and walked over to spencers rooms. I didn't even knock. I just went in. And punch him in the face. hard.

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