Where's Toby?

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I can't believe I was so stupid to get drunk and do that with Toby! Now he has been avoiding me all day long! I wish I could talk to him but I don't know where he went. I'm glad Spencer is here. I know the past few days he has been getting on my nerves. But he is my best friend. and I love him.

I was sitting at the entrance to the cave when I heard a strange noise inside. I walked down into he cave a little bit and heard the noise again. I went down on of the corridors that I haven't been in yet. It was very dark and had lots of separate rooms branching off of it. I stood still for a minute to see if I heard the noise again. I didn't. so I went back to the top of the cave and walked back up to the house. The house was huge. and all the walls were glass so no matter what room you were in, you could always see the beautiful forest. The house wasn't huge. But it did have a pool and hot tub. A rooftop bar. and of course at least 100 acres of land surrounding it before the fence blocked us off. I was definitely in love with this place and I have any been here a few weeks. soon Spencer will warm up to it also.

I walked into the house to find Spencer watching television on the white couch in the living room.

"Have you seen Toby?" I asked him

"No, thank god." He said under his breath. but I still heard it.

"He is a good guy. Its a good place here. I'm sure you will warm up to it." I assured him. He chuckled a little bit.

Where was Toby? I have been everywhere I know about on this land, and haven't seen him. Its kind of hot in here. I'll go in the basement and turn the air conditioning up. I walk down stairs and see a note of the door of the room that has all the play stuff in it.

'I'm so sorry what happened. We shouldn't have gotten that drunk. To make it up to you meet me in the meadow at 9:00



I guess its a date then. What am I going to wear? I go upstairs and into my walk in closet that Toby had made especially for me when he built the house. It had all the clothes you could imagine. I got a red cocktail dress on and some red flats. I put a little makeup on just because I never do that. I curled my long blonde hair. And was done at about 8:45 I started to walk to the meadow when Spencer came running out to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To meet Toby somewhere. just go back in the house." I said. He walked back in the house. Now I was ready.

*******New chapter tomorrow! maybe even tonight! only if I'm up for writing more! comment if you have any ideas for the story! bye!********

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