Time for School

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A cold, frosty, Monday breeze flows through. My uncle and I wake up early to get some more stuff from my mom's. I decide to bring my mom's diaries that I finished and put them back.

We just got there and my uncle decides to stay in the car while I go inside. I walk in and close the door. It's as silent as it was that Thursday morning, a month ago. It's been a month since the incident, and I still remember it vividly. I glance in the bathroom where there is still blood on the walls and sink. It does not smell good in there so I step out. I then notice her medicine still lying out on the counter. Wait, if I find out what medicines they are, I can figure out what happened to my mother. This is very exciting. I quickly run upstairs to my room to grab a pen and paper. I start writing down all the names of the medicines, there are a lot of them. The first one if Paroxetine. I look on the back to see what kind it is. It's an anti-depressant, figures. I write down the rest of them and put the note in my pocket. I run upstairs to get the rest of my stuff together. I go into my mother's room and look through some more of her stuff. I look in her closet again searching for her other diaries and that's when I saw it. The diary she was writing in when we were at the hospital is sitting there on the top shelf in her closet. Who would've put it here?

"Autumn? Is that you?" Oh gosh, it's Andrew, he must have put it up here! I grab it from the shelf and stuff it in my back and run downstairs.

"Yeah it's me," I smile.

"Okay well, have a good day at school."

"Thanks," I smile again.

I arrive at school, eager to read the diary. I say goodbye to my uncle and hop out of his blue pick-up. I run over to my best friend Everly. Ava lives next to my dad in Belleville. I live mostly with my mom in St. Louis. Everly is my best friend in St. Louis, Ava is my best friend in Belleville.

"Hey Everly," I smile at her.

"You alright?" You see, this is why she is my best friend, she sees past my smile. She knows when something is wrong. She knows exactly what to say too, but sometimes I wish she didn't because I don't really want to talk about it, but then again I can't keep this from her any longer.

"Yeah, but I need to tell you about something." I'm not going to tell her everything, but I've got to tell her something.

"What is it Autumn? What happened?"

"It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"Okay well, this is going to sound crazy,"

"Welcome to my world Fall," she likes to call me Fall sometimes because I'm named after the season Autumn.

"Well, my mom is in a mental hospital," she just keeps staring. She's not saying a word. "Ev?" That's my nickname for her.

"Um..... okay.... how did um..." She's at a loss of words.

"How did it happen? I'm not sure yet, but I have her CURRENT diary. That gives me a lead."

"No, it gives US a lead. I'm helping you with this, got it?"

I smile at her, "got it," and we walk to class. I've been reading all day, I've barely been paying attention in class. It's probably not the best thing, but I need to know what happened. The faster I can figure this out the faster I can get back on track.

It is almost sixth hour and I haven't found anything, other than those interesting drawings of herself...... Anyways it just looks like- Wait, hold on I found something.

'I am done with life. I was never supposed to be here anyways, why would God keep me here in this misery? I was born three months early I was born almost dead. God why would you put me here? You know literally the only things keeping me here are my kids? My meds are screwing me up and I think I scared Autumn, she doesn't know what is going on, neither do I... She'd honestly be better without me, dare I say it. I'd rather her stay with Aunt Lyra and Uncle Bob. Or with Mom. I wish the kid had a better life.'

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