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*Five years later

Autumn is eleven years old now. She's in the sixth grade and on the honor role, she's a really smart kid. Since school has started back up again, she's been going to her dad's house every Wednesday and every other weekend. Every Thursday morning, she and her dad wake up at 4:30 am so they can get ready for him to get Autumn back to her mom's by 6:00 am to get to school. This morning isn't like all mornings though, something feels different to her. She's tired and does not want to get up, she usually likes getting up with her dad. As they got in the car, Autumn texted her mom to tell her she's on her way, like she does every Thursday morning. Only this time Autumn doesn't get a reply, 'she's probably still asleep,' Autumn thought, so she just left it alone.

An hour later they arrive in St. Louis. Autumn, luckily, has her key with her because the door is locked. 'Her car is still here, so is Andrew's,' Autumn thought. Andrew is Amber's new boyfriend, John and Amber broke up when Autumn was eight and Susana was two. Autumn was heartbroken, but she likes Andrew too. 'She's probably just sleeping.' She waves back to Michael one more time before walking inside. The second she walks in there she can feel a lot of tension, so much you could cut it with a knife. It's silent, almost too silent. Some silences are the same as screaming, but this is pure silence. She drops her bag on the ground and slowly walks towards the kitchen. She finds her mom's "blood pressure" medicine, she knows they're anti-depressants and whatever else she's taking, they are all sitting on the kitchen counter. Something tells her to go check the bathroom, it's instinct. As she turns on the light there is a red liquid splashed on the white sink and the beige, tile walls. She holds her nose because of the scent it gives off. Not knowing what to think or do, she stands there for a little bit examining the room of what looks to be blood. 'What do I do now? Do I call someone?' She has no idea what to do. Then, instinct gives her advice again. She glances up at the carpeted staircase that leads to her own room and her mother's room. She slowly makes her way up the staircase, each step feeling like a year. As she finally reaches the top, she peers around the corner. There's blood in the bathroom upstairs as well. She walks into her room to see if Susana is there, 'Good,' she thought, 'she's not here.' Susana is only four years old and Autumn knows she could not let Susana see that. As she steps into her mother's room there is a strong, disturbing scent. Then, she sees Andrew comforting Amber in her bed.

"Hey, Autumn!" Andrew says cheerfully, "Good morning! How are you?" Autumn's looks at him with her deep sea blue eyes. Amber looks like she had just been hit with a bus; she's awake, but not very aware of anything. She looks like she had just been drugged, a lot. Autumn stares in shock, but not fear. She doesn't what to think or say. After a few seconds, Autumn perks up.

"I'm great! I just got home-" she says with a smile, then pauses, "hi Mama," she looks over at her mom.

"Hi homey! Goof to see you....." Her voice trails off, she's having trouble speaking. Autumn opens her mouth to talk when Amber cuts her off. "I wamt you to know one ting. Mommy will aways wove you so much amd I don't want you to ever forget that," Andrew's eyes suddenly fill with fear and he shoots a fearful look at Autumn. She catches on, but pretends she doesn't.

"Okay Mommy I love you too," she smiles. Andrew smiles and laughs nervously, "I've got to go get ready for school, bye Mama." Amber had already fallen asleep.

"Bye Princess!" Andrew's trying to make it seem like everything was okay, so she pretends as well. Although, she doesn't know the whole truth, but she is determined to find out.

*Autumn's POV

Today at school I didn't talk to my friends much. I didn't know what to say to them, I'd nod along to some things they say, but that's about it. This makes me think of my tenth birthday party at my dad's. We had only known the neighbors for a year at the time, but they were family. They still are, and they will stay that way. They have four kids and I love them all, but my best friend's name is Ava. Ava and I have known each other since my dad moved to this part of Belleville. I was so excited that day. It was my first birthday party at the new house, also I was turning ten so that was a bonus. Katrina and my dad have gotten into fights while drinking before, but none like this one that I can remember. Everyone was having a great time, but you can't let Katrina have a shot of whiskey, liquor, vodka, or anything strong like that. If she takes at least one shot, she goes crazy. I guess that night she took a shot. All of a sudden the neighbors were just leaving, out of nowhere.

"Why are you guys leaving?" I asked Ava.

"I don't know but my mom says we have to leave right now, I think Katrina is getting tired." I hugged her and said goodbye. That's when I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. I walked in, and this image I will never forget, it is burned into my memory. Katrina had knives. She was yelling and screaming, she was about to throw the knives at the person standing across from her on the other side of the room, my dad. He was trying to calm her down while she was screaming at him. I didn't stop to watch the show, I ran. I ran outside just before the neighbors left. I was in tears, on my knees, on the ground. Trying to pull myself together, I told Ava's mom what was going on. I kept saying over and over, 'she has knives, she has knives,' Ava's mom told me to get in the car with Ava and her siblings. I remember Ava's younger sister being scared thinking that Katrina was going to kill us. Ava and I tried to reassure her that she wouldn't kill us, but really I wasn't sure if we were going to die that night or not. I didn't want to think that, but a part of my believed that it might happen. Then I felt even more terrible because I left Jennika inside. Four year old little Jennika was asleep on the couch, so close to where they were fighting. 'If anything happens to her it would be my fault because I didn't get her out of there.' I thought to myself. I knew I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to her. I tried to get out of the car to get her, but Ava's mom wouldn't let me, neither would Ava or her sister. I was in tears again. I eventually got over it and Ava's mom let me go inside after they were in their room, asleep. I walked over to the couch and I saw sweet little Jennika asleep on the couch, and she was okay, she was just fine. I sighed in relief and went to bed.

In the same way, I knew I had to protect Susana from whatever happened to my mother. I sighed in relief when I saw she wasn't in her bed, that meant she was with John, her dad. I'm at my great aunt, Lyra, and uncle, Bob's, house right now, I haven't heard anything about my mother in a while. This is going to be a long year.

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