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"Wake up Mama! I want to go to Katrina's baby shower!"

"It's 10:00 in the morning, let me sleep a little-" just then the phone starts ringing. "Just a second Autumn it's your dad. Hello?" she sleepily says.

"Could you bring Autumn to the hospital? Katrina is in labor." Amber jumps up in surprise.

"Um, yeah, sure. Do you want to talk to her?"

"Yes please," Michael says impatiently.

Amber turns to Autumn, "here, it's your dad," she smiles.

Autumn takes the phone, "Hi Daddy! Is it time for the baby shower?"

"No actually we didn't have time for that, we're in the hospital and you're about to be a big sister-" Autumn cut him off.

"Wait, so no presents?"

"No goofball, but you get a little sister and her name is Jennika."

"That's so pretty! Can I come?"

"Of course but you need to have your mom bring you."

Autumn turns to Amber, "can you bring me to the hospital? Please?"

"Yes I can, just give me a minute."

She turns back to Michael, "yes I can come Daddy, but I have to give her a minute."

"Okay see you there," he smiles on the other side of the phone, Autumn does too.

A few hours later, Amber and Autumn hop in the car to leave. They drive to the hospital, it seemed like hours to Autumn. When they finally arrive, Katrina still hasn't had the baby yet. So Autumn and Michael go to the cafeteria to get some lunch. Four long hours later, little Jennika Anne Skylar came into the world. Autumn was the second one to hold her. She jumped with excitement when she found out she was a big sister.

It's three days later, Katrina and Jennika just came home from the hospital. Autumn is sure to be quiet when they walk through the wooden door. Her grandmother is waiting with Autumn so she wouldn't be home alone.

"Hi everyone," Katrina says quietly. Autumn ran right over to them and went straight to Jennika.

"Hi Jennika! You're so cute!" Autumn admires her for the rest of the evening. 

Now, it's time to go back to her mom's. Amber has been seeing someone for awhile named John Carter. They've been living with him for a few years.

"Autumn!" Amber sings out when Autumn walks through the door, "we missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," Autumn says. They sit and chat for a while, then they play games and Autumn says it's really fun and she loves it.

After a few days, Michael called Autumn to say hi, just like he always does. They talk for around a half an hour, they have a really cool bond. Although, Amber has been acting strange lately. Michael always has been a joker. He's always being silly and joking around, he never means anything when he makes jokes and Autumn understands that, but Amber does not. While Autumn is talking to her dad, Amber decides to put her ear by the phone as Michael talks to her. 

"Has your mom drove you crazy yet?" Michael jokes.

"No, Daddy," Autumn nervously laughs and looks at her mom.

"Well, I know she's a handful so that's very surprising," he laughs. 

"Yeah," Autumn says nervously again.

"You alright kiddo?" Autumn almost answers when Amber snatches the phone from her hand and starts yelling at Michael. 

"Mama stop! He was just being silly he didn't mean it!"

"Be quiet Autumn! Go to your room!" Amber instantly regrets what she just said and six year old Autumn runs to her room crying.

About an hour later Amber walks into Autumn's room, Autumn isn't even looking at her. 

"Autumn?" Amber says nervously, "Autumn, Honey, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I didn't mean it." Autumn is still silent sitting on her bed, staring down at her sheets, "Autumn?"

"You didn't even let me say bye to Daddy," she finally says.

"Well, he was being mean and I-" 

"He was joking," Autumn interrupts and turns around to look her mother dead in the eye, "he always does and you didn't even let me say bye to him!"

"Autumn quit being a child about this! Your father is a very mean person and you shouldn't even be around him!" Amber quickly slams the door behind her. A little while later, Autumn comes out of her room and slowly walks into her mom's room.

"Mama?" Amber gasps almost as if she's seen a ghost.

"What is it Honey?"

"Mama, I'm sorry that I was acting like a little kid. I'm six years old now and I'm a big sister, I should act a lot better than that." Amber looks as if she's about to cry.

"Autumn, Sweetie, you're a wonderful young lady and I shouldn't have yelled at you because you're allowed to be a little kid, you're only six years old."

"Thanks, but I know I have to grow up sometime, I need to start acting like a grown-up, like you."

"You don't need to grow up now, but speaking of that, I have some good news to tell you," just then John walks in.

"Are you telling her?" John asks. Amber nods her head and whispers something in Autumn's ear. Autumn looks up in shock.

"I'm going to be a big sister again?!" Autumn sings out in joy.

"Yes you are! And we thought we'd let you help name her," John hints."

"Oh yay it's a girl!"

"You can pick between Susana, Kylin, or Lyra." Six months later, Susana Marie Carter is brought into the world. Autumn feels like the happiest little girl alive. She just became a big sister twice, which is a dream come true for her, and each house she goes to, mom's or dad's, there's a baby there. Nothing can ruin what she has.

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