Chapter 2

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4 years later:

My boss was a dick. 

Carlos De Luca was the head chef at La De Luca, the restaurant that I worked at. Infact, I couldn't wait until I opened my own restaurant, become rich and write a whole book about how much of a dick he is.

Carlos is the worst asshole I've ever met. The guy looks down at every young chef trying to make it in the business like they were way beneath him. He was an arrogant, ignorant and obnoxious prick who thought he was the shit just because his uncle owned the restaurant. The whole staff hated him, including the guy that cleans the bathrooms. Fuck, even roaches from the dumbster behind the restuarant hated his ass.

"I wish I could pay someone to kidnap his ass," I muttered under my breath as I was preparing myself to leave the restaurant after finishing my shift. The guy had added an additional  3 hours to my shift this evening. My babbysiter was going to kill me.

"Bye guys," I said to my fellow colleagues as I ran towards the exit and into the parking lot.

As I reached my car, my phone rang. I smiled to myself when I saw the caller ID.

"Hello? HIV helpline, how may we help you ma'am?" I answered.

"You got jokes, huh bitch?" Kat said.

"Isn't that why we became friends in the first place?" I replied.

"Nope. I only became friends with you because I was hoping it might increase my chances with your dad."

"Haha," I dryly said the same time Brandon said "Hey! I heard that," in the background.

Yes, Brandon. The very same bartender I had met at that club 4 years ago. After finding out that I was pregnant, I had went back to that club to try and get more details about the guy I had hooked up with. Brandon decided to help me find the guy. That search went south, but that was a story for another day.

I'm happy to say that a friendship formed between us and I realized that he was just as funny and crazy as my friend Kat, so I introduced him to Kat and they actually fell for each other and now they were engaged.

"Is that Brandy? Give him the phone, I want to talk to him," I said as I finally reached my car and got inside.

"Wait bitch. I called you to ask you something," Kat said.

"Ask me what?"

"What's the best song to sing while you're waiting for your pregnancy test results?"

"Bitch what?" I said as I let out a laugh.

And that's why her crazy matches his crazy, ladies and gentlemen.

"Girl you know how paranoid Brandon can be sometimes. He thinks I might be pregnant because apparently my boobs have gotten bigger and I'm more hornier than usual. Now he-"

"Okay, wait a minute. I didn't need to know that." I interrupted her mid-rant.

"What are you saying? You also called me fat last week."

"No. I never called you fat. I said that your butt got a little bigger," I said defensively.

"Same thing bitch," she said.

"No it isn't."

"Whatever. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me. Now he won't let me drink alcohol because of his paranoia and I feel like going out tonight. So he made me take a home pregnancy test and we're waiting for the results as we speak."

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