Chapter 12

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S'Been a while, yes I know and I apologize.

Before y'all decide to kill me and mama Ferguson, here's another chapter for you guys.


So here's the thing about my mother...

I was raised by a crazy mother. My mom has no chill, no limit and no filter whatsoever. She's an outspoken person and she cusses like she owns a dictionary that only consists of cuss words.

I'll admit that being raised by her, some of these things rubbed off on me. But the thing is, I try not to do and say certain stuff in front of my children. I don't want it to rub off on them too. I love my children's innocence and I don't want to taint it. I'm not saying that my mom tainted mine at a young age, I'm just saying that I don't want my kids to turn out exactly like my mother and I, like it's a genetic thing.

Another thing about me is that I'm not short tempered, but I'm an over protective mom. If someone fucked with my babies, shit could go from a 0 to 100 real quick.

I don't remember anybody tag-teaming with me when I was giving birth to either of my daughters. I went through the labour and I gave birth to them. Therefore, I will fuck anything and everything up that hurts any of my kids.

Yes bitches. I can go all Godzilla on anyone who even dared to touch a string of hair on my babies' heads. Whether you are just a stranger, just another kid, a pastor or even the fucking President, I will fuck you up.

Doesn't matter who the fuck you are.

The stunt my mom pulled during prayer wasn't that shocking honestly. I should've seen it coming. But that doesn't make me any less pissed.

After my mom's so-called-prayer ended, the sound of cutlery clashing against a plate was heard. Roman had dropped his fork harshly with a distasteful look on his face. The baby daddy was obviously not impressed with my mom's actions.

Neither was I.

"I wasn't even done yet, ouma," Alex sulked, clearly her mind hadn't registered what her "loving" grandmother had just said.

"What?" Arizona said while looking at my mother, obviously confused.

"What the f-" I was interrupted mid sentence by my dad.

"Keep it PG-rated, Laverne. Don't ruin the audience's innocence," my dad said, reffering to the girls' presence.

"Zona, why don't you take the twins and go eat in your room? " I suggested, before this got out of hand.

Screw that, this got out of hand the moment my mom opened her goddamn mouth.

"But mommy, you said we aren't allowed to eat in there," Alex, reminded me.

"Yes mommy, you hate it when we eat in our room," Zona added.

I really did hate it when they do because they always end up making a mess, but at this point, I didn't care. I just didn't want them in the room when I'm about to have a go at my mother.

"Tonight is an exception," I replied.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"Because mommy, ouma, grandpa and Roman want to talk about adult stuff now," I explain.

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