Chapter 16

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Let's mix things up a little.
We have Roman's POV instead of Laverne's.
Please do comment.
Hope you guys enjoy it



"So who am I taking to school first?" I asked, standing at the window, watching as Zanele's car pulled out of the parking lot. I asked the question casually, but the question was really directed to Arizona, since she's the oldest.

"Us!" Alexandra answered eagerly, lifting her arm up and waving it in the air. "You have to take me and Ana to school first!"

"No. You actually have to take me to school first," Arizona corrected.

"Nooooo Zona, you always get to go to school first. It's our turn now," Alexandra argued.

"No Lexi, my school starts before yours does. If Daddy Romy takes you and Ana to school first, I'm gonna be late again," Arizona tried to reason with her as she handed Ana her small, pink bag pack.

Ana just stood there silently, looking like she doesn't want to take sides, but you could tell that her heart was with Alex on this one.

Alex ran to where I was standing and observing this interaction and threw her little limbs around my leg. "Please daddy? Cane and Ana please go first?" She asked while pouting, her beautiful big eyes getting watery in the process.

How could I say no to that?

"Uhm....." I said instead, then looked at Arizona for assistance.

"Romy, if you're gonna fall for her puppy eyes now, then you're gonna always fall for it," Arizona commented, while looking at me expectedly. She sounded and looked just like her mother at that moment.

"Please," Alexandra said just as a tear slides down her cheek. That was a deal breaker for me.

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed.

"Yay!" Alex jumped up and down on her toes. Not a second later, Ana joined her on their little happy dance. Arizona just shook her head at me.

"I can't believe you fell for that," she said, before grabbing her bag and Alex's and headed to the door.

"Let's go daddy," Alex exclaimed before grabbing my hand and Ana's hand and began dragging us to the door.

Once we got to my car, I helped Zona by lifting her up to the passenger seat and did her seatbelt, then buckled Ana and Alex into their car seats.

"Daddy wait! " Alex squeaked just as I was about to close her door.

"What? What's wrong?" I panicked.

"You forgot Lo-Lo!"

"What?" What the fuck was a Lo-Lo?

"Lo-Lo! His name is Lorenzo, but we call him Lo-Lo. Lo-Lo always goes with us when mommy drives us to school on Mondays and Fridays," she cried.

Any one my kid liked, I could tolerate. "Right. I'm sorry. So where is this Lo-Lo?" I asked her.

"Right behind you daddy," she said as she pointed at something behind me. I turned around to faced the so called Lo-Lo, but I just ended up facing the empty parking space next to ours.

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