Chapter 7

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"Roman," I said his name, sounding slightly out of breath, still shocked that he's here, present, beside me.

"Angel," he answered, his eyes now mine, his hand moving from my arm to my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissed my knuckles gently.

My cheeks flushed at the endearing. He had called me Angel the first time we met, and the whole night we made love. Therefore I couldn't help but blush, which made him smile.

Damn this man!
Wasn't he supposed to be mad at me?
I mean, didn't I tell him to fuck off the last time I saw him?
Why is he here?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the bitch's voice.

"Hi," she said, her voice now soft and gentle. "I'm Jennifer, but, you can just call me Jenny," she introduced herself, holding her hand out for Roman to shake. "And I didn't any mean any of the things that I said," she tried covering her ass.

Fuming, my eyes went back to the bitch. I got even more angry when I realized that she was batting her eyelashes at Roman. The hoe was openly checking him out, her eyes roaming his body from head to toe.

This bitch was actually checking Roman Ronaldo -my baby daddy!- out. For some reason that fact made me jealous.

I mean he's not my man, but he is the father of my kids! So yes, I will pull out the "Baby Mama" card on a bitch.

"Of course you didn't, miss Jennifer.
For the mother of my children and I both know that we don't have a bastard child," he respond, his intense still on me, my hand still in his. He ignored her hand.

"Hi!" Alex squeeked excitedly at Roman, her grin almost touching her ears, clearly remembering him from the restaurant.

"Hey princess," he responded, smiling down at her. "Why don't you and mommy go and get your sister, so I can take you guys home?"

"Okay!" She responded enthusiacally before dragging me across the park towards Anastasia, causing my hand to slip from Roman's. "Come mommy!" She said while pulling on my hand that was holding hers. I let her drag me away.

I didn't like the way he used Alex to dismiss me.

I looked back at Roman suspiciously and saw Roman taking a step towards 'Jennny from the block' as his facial expression changed completely. He went from smiling to wearing a stern look on his face as he lowly muttured something to her. Whatever he said to her, must've not been nice because she went from batting her eyelashes at him to staring him with her mouth agape, her face pale.

I switched my focus from them to where Alex was dragging me. I called Anastasia over and told her we were leaving. When she saw us, she ran towards us. Her foot stepped on some big rock she had failed to notice, causing her to lose balance and fall and land on her stomach.

She didn't cry though, thank God for that. I walked towards her I grabbed her hand with my free one and helped her get up. She held out her arms, so I let Alex's hand go for a moment to lift Ana up, balancing her on my hip before grabbing Alex's hand again.

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