Chapter 11

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Because good things come to those who wait, here's quite a lengthy chapter for y'all. Y'all are gonna love and hate me after reading this😂😂😂
Dedicated to a great supporter of mine, ncsjones 😉


As a child, I always wondered why my parents couldn't be together. I mean, I knew that I was conceived while my dad was already married and I knew that my mom didn't know about it until she sacrificed everything just so she could be him.

But what I would wonder was why didn't my father tell my mom the truth sooner? Why did my mom give up on on him if she really loved him? Why didn't my dad divorce that bitch and marry my mom?

Why couldn't my parents have a happy ending?!

These questions would eventually lead to the 'what-if's'. What if my mom had known from the beginning that my father was married? What if my dad had divorced Stephany when he realized how completely and utterly in love he was with my mom? What if there was still a chance for us to be together, as a family. What if everything did work out?

But then I'd ask myself, had my mom known that my dad was a married man before they conceived me, would I even had been conceived?

Knowing my mom, she would have never gotten involved with a married man. So I guess the answer is no.

Nope. I wouldn't have been born. I would most probably still be a sperm of my dad's, in a swimming competition with his other sperm, trying to find my way through the cervix and egg of the woman he'd be fucking.

That woman could've been fucking Staphany.

Thank God I found my mom's eggs and became the fine, young human that I am now. My existence could've vanished in Stephany's cold ass vagina.

I'm pretty much sure there's no single sperm that wants to die in her vagina.

Okay, enough with Stephany and her cold vagina. What I'm trying to say is, I know how one's mind can tend to think as a child, which is why I'm fucking scared of what the girls' reaction would be after we break the news to them.

I know any 4 year old would want to know why their mommy and daddy aren't together. How do I explain that to them? What do I say when that question comes up?

Whenever I asked my mom as a child, why her and my dad weren't together, she'd tell me: "Because your dad is a motherfucking fucktard that thinks with his dick." After my dad broke her heart, she didn't believe him when he told her that he loved her and not Stephany. In all honesty, her heartbreak made her slightly bitter. Especially towards my dad.

But obviously I couldn't say that to my kids. Their dad didn't break my heart. And I sure as hell can't use that kind of vocabulary with them. Me and my mom may cuss like it's our goddamn talent, but I sure as hell don't want it to be a family tradition.

My mom had decided to give us a little more time to tell the girls. She had given us a week, to be precise and today was the day. The deadline. In these 7 days, Roman had made sure to come by to see the girls. He'd come over and spend time with girls whenever he could. He'd come bearing gifts, he'd take us all out, he'd do just about anything just to spend time with them, which I found so sweet and touching.

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