Chapter 21

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Roman's P.O.V:

According to Wikipedia, rage (emotion) is known as an intense form of anger.

I guess I could say that that's what I've been feeling during this 40 minute drive, from Zanele's place to mine, but that would be an understatement. Because it was just not rage that I was feeling. I was beyond enraged, infuriated or livid. I wanted to fucking kill the facktard that put his hands on Zanele.

What frustrates me even more, is that she hasn't said a word to me about what happened since I found her in that fragile position. The girls freaked out when they saw their mom like that, so she ignored every question I asked her and focused on calming the girls down and reassuring them that she's okay. She tried to reassure me that she's okay, but wouldn't tell me who the fuck was responsible for the shit.

Which only tells me one thing, she's trying to hide something from me. She probably knows who the person is, but doesn't want to tell me.

I'll find out, either way. And I'll handle that fucker myself.

"Hey Romy?" my thoughts were interrupted by Arizona's sweet voice.

"Yes gorgeous?" I replied, while flashing her a small smile as I gave her a quick glance, before returning my eyes on the road.

"Are we still having dinner with Nana?" She asked in a sad tone.

Fuck. I totally forgot that Zanele was supposed to meet my mother tonight. I should've called and canceled the dinner. I don't think Zanele would be in the mood for company after what happened.

"No sweetheart, I don't think so. Your mommy is very tired and needs to rest. Maybe another time?" I replied.

She looked at her mother in the passenger seat and didn't say anything for a while. After finding Zanele sitting alone in the dark, in a ruined apartment, with broken glass everywhere, with fear in her eyes, I decided that it would be best that they spend the night at my place.

She didn't even fight me on the issue. No smart mouth replies, no comebacks, no resisting, no stubbornness whatsoever. And that actually satisfied me, but at the same time, pissed me off a little. Whoever this guy is, really roughed her up.

The stubborn, fearless and independent woman that I know and love, was actually scared and didn't want to be alone. That really urged me more to find out who this prick is and why exactly Zanele was so scared of him.

So we packed a few things the girls and Zanele might need and I took my girls to my place. Zanele thinks that it's just for tonight or a few days. Little does she know, I'm never letting her go again.


So here we are, driving to my place, the twins and Zanele had fallen asleep in the car. Zona has been quiet the whole drive, until now.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" She asked after staring at her mom's face for a while.

"Yes gorgeous, your mom is going to be alright. You guys will be living with me from now on. How does that sound?" I say as I glanced at her reaction on the rear-view mirror.

She grinned excitedly before saying, "Awesome. You'll protect mommy and us, right Romy?"

"Yes kid. From now on, I'll always protect you girls and your mommy," I promised.

My reply seemed to satisfy her, as she smiled and leaned her head back against her seat.

After another five minutes, I pulled the car into my driveway. "We're here," I said quietly to Arizona.

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