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Kol's POV
I was super convinced that tonight would be a lovely, orderly and something Serena and I never really experience, normal night. We where sitting down at the bar waiting to get served and buy drinks when a whole pack of wolves start asking questions. They must of known Serena as she wasn't worried when they approached her.
They were going on about something Serena wanted to find, what she had been apparently looking for all of her life she lived in New Orleans. I don't have any idea what it is, but Serena seems to have a good idea what they are all talking about.
I can't help but feel used by her, I really thought her and I came here to live a normal life, but she must of just brought me a long to help with her plan. I must find out what it is.
We where walking out of the bar, after a few drinks. I think I'm exaggerating we could of drunk the whole bar if it wasn't for Serena, wanting to go home as she was tired and we where both already pretty drunk.
"So, I guess I was just a dummy in your plan to get whatever shit you're trying to find, suuuree just use me and when pure done, kick me to the curb"
"Kol shut up, that's not why I brought you, I love you that's why you came, so don't be a silly billy" she started so stumble, we had to get her home. When we got home we started to argue.
"You're a BITCH why are you doing this to me, you're wasting my time."
"Kol don't SHOUT AT ME, we just need to get to bed because we're both pretty drunk okay"
"No you BITCH"
"Don't call me a bitch, you just need to calm down"
I then lift my hand and slap her, I immediately regret my decision but she had other ideas.
"Kol, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" she started to use her power to control me and then pulled me closer to her. She let go and looked me in the eye for what seemed like forever and a bit. Damn she looked good, I then kissed her, my lips on hers moving in sync with each other. Getting our breath at the same time just to go in for another kiss, and another, and another and another. She sped me up against the wall and the kiss started to get heated. At this point we where making out and it was getting messy, I then pinned her up against the opposite wall and took for her dress so she was left in her black matching, lace underwear. She looked ravishing, I pinned her down on the bed and started to kiss her bare stomach, leaving little hickeys all the way up to her boobs but they where automatically heeling which sucks. She then wrapped her legs around me and unbuckled my belt quickly. Then took of my tshirt and threw it on the floor in the same pile with her dress.

Serena's POV
I woke up this morning with a banging head ache, Kol and I lying naked in our new bed and vivid memories of last night. It was the good memories though so I don't mind remembering them. Kol was still sleeping and I didn't want to awake him, so I moved closer to him and rested my head on his chest so I could feel his breathing moving through my body, matching with every two heartbeats of mine. I then rested my head in the crook of his neck and looked up at him wondering why I was ever so lucky to end up with such a beautiful boyfriend. I look down and start drawing circles on his Chest.
"You alright there love, you been awake for long?" He said in the most sexy, morning voice ever.
"No, I just woke up and thought I would admire the view while it lasted" I smirked. He looked at me and smiled, giving me a short peck on my lips.
We both get up, get changed and I made breakfast. Pancakes for Kol because they're his favourite!
"So eh, Serena. Last night the wolves said something about you only coming here to find something you've been looking for a long time, and I'm guessing the reason you came back here was to find it. Whah exactly are you looking for?"
"Well, you see. My family, ehh birth family where the most powerful coven in New Orleans. They where in charge of all the ancestral Magic that lies within the grave yard walls. And now sense I'm the Gemini I can access it. Before I was born my mother found something out about my father, that he was a Wolf, from one of the strongest packs in New Orleans. But he didn't want to be a wolf anymore so he came to my mother for support and the chance to take away the curse. So she agreed and put a spell to conceal all elements of the wolf gene In him and in his off Spring. For some reason my sisters weren't born with the wolf gene, but I was. I'm looking for away to break the spell so I get my wolf element back. With it id be the most powerful creature of all time, even more powerful than your own brother."
He looked at me in shock and started to laugh.
"Serena, that's brilliant, I'll help you if you want"
"Well you see, I needed you anyway if you wanted to help or not"

Sorry for the rubbishy chapter, I did it quick just for the sake of updating.
Thank you xo

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