In sickness and in health

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(Serena's POV)
I woke up with the most torturing headache ever, I shot my head up off the pillow and looked at the clock, 730pm exactly. I didn't know what had happened to me, and I intend on finding out.
I lifted myself off the Kol's bed and checked where I was shot, I don't think it was a normal Vervain dart, because it wouldn't for knocked me out so easily, it was swelling up, like a werewolf bite, but it was worse, it felt like every vain in my body was expanding and the blood that was pumping through them was boiling beyond boiling point. I began to walk towards the door and down the stairs. I needed water, I needed to cool myself down, everything was too much For me, I feel like ripping out my own eyeballs. Why would someone do this to me. I was so sick, it was the common flu but 10x worse, my emotions were everywhere. I needed to sit down.
I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and turned the tap on.
I started to hear voices, someone calling my name. Ringing in my ears, it wouldn't stop, all I could feel was rage and the need to feed on human blood.
(Kol's POV)
I was in the shower when I heard Serena get out of bed, she seemed alright when I left her, but then again she was asleep. I got out of the shower and dried myself off, put on cloths and went down stairs.
"STOP IT stop, you can't make me DO THIS, get OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" I heard her yelling from the kitchen. She was mad, I rushed downstairs, she was smashing glasses and yelling.
"Serena, Serena calm down everything is going to be alright, you'll get through this" I reassure her, but she doesn't seem reassured.
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" she kept shouting and screaming, nothing I had ever seen before.
Everything went quite, she stopped, she returned to reality. "You alright love, you had yourself in a right tizzy"
"Kol, I'm scared, what just happened, what's happening to me" she started to cry in my arms.
One thing I hate is seeing people I love cry, I will find out who done this and I will get revenge.
"Kol, can you please take me upstairs, I need to lie down"
Serena's POV)
Kol carried me to his bedroom and lay me down. Elijah and Rebekah came in worried, "what just happened?" Elijah asks, I lifted up my leg to find a star on my calf, it was where the dart was shot into me. It was a mark of some sort, burnt into my skin.
Elijah and Rebekah both look at each other in shock.
"Serena, you have been shot with a toxin, that contains a virus in it, called Vampire Flu"
I was scared, I had heard of Vampire Flu before but I thought it was wiped out, everyone with the disease died out in the 1950s.
"Is their anyway to heel it?"
"Well, Vampire flu is a witches Doing, it was made to wipe out the vampire race, and every spell has a loop hole, we will find a cure"
That wasn't much of a relief. Rebekah and Elijah left so it was just Kol and I. He took my hand and moved closer, "listen here love, you'll be ok, you have me, and I won't leave you. I promise"
We then both climb into bed together, and spend our first night side by side, nothing more I could ask for.
I roll over to face Kol, I smile at him and plant a soft kiss on his lips. "Kol Mikaelson, I love you. And all the prices I have to pay with falling in love with you, I will pay"
He looks at me and smiles, "I love you too Serena, we will get through this Vampire Flu business together, don't ever think you're alone, because you're not"
We both peacefully fall asleep, but not for only.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm very tired and it's my fourth chapter today. I've been watching season 3 of The originals and I can honestly say I ship Kol and Davina so much xox
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