Flashback from the Past

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Serena's POV
Since its Kol and I's first night in New Orleans together as a couple, we both decided to go out in public, on our first official date sense we got back together. Even better, this time I wouldn't be afraid to come out of my apartment and then walk the streets of New Orleans.
It feels so good but so over Whelming having such great power, so much power that people would be scared to cross me. Especially having a Original Vampire on my arm, double the scare.
Marcel is still lying on the floor, dead from when I broke his neck, he should wake up any minute now so I can have a serious talk with him. Before Kol left to grab some blood bags I told him Marcel had woken up and left, so he thinks I'm safe. I maybe shouldn't of lied to him, I don't care though because I'm powerful enough to take care of myself.
I was in the bathroom washing my face when I heard banging and groans coming from the room beside me.
Marcel was awake and he tried to escape, luckily I casted a barrier spell so he couldn't exit the room.
"So marcel, how does it feel being on the receiving end of torture, pain and isolation, doesn't feel so good does it. I'm here to teach you a little bit of a lesson, and don't worry, you can speak freely because Kol isn't here.
Let's just cast our minds back to 1955 when you found me, on the streets of New Orleans, with a snooker Queue through my chest."

**Flashback: 1955**
"Well, what do we have here. It seems that you got yourself into a little trouble young lady, let me help you"
"Thank you, Marcel isn't it? You run the French Quarter, I've heard a lot about you"
"Yes I am, and who done this to you, looked pretty angry if they tried to kill you"
"Well, it was some Derk, we went to the bathroom to make out and then he wanted to do more with me, but I wasn't ready for anything serious with him. So he got angry and drove this queue through my chest, men, you can't trust them"
Marcel then pulls out the Queue and throws it on the ground. He lifts up my feet and carries me Bridal style to his apartment.

** Present Time**
"That was the first time we met, why would you show me this memory? I thought you were going to torture me."
"No, I said I was going to teach you a lesson, not torture you. I couldn't torture you, I- I. Never mind, ehh"
We just look at each other,
"Now, next story, the time I broke your heart and in return you almost ripped out mine"

** 11 days after last flash back, Marcel and Serena spend several days and nights together**

"Serena, babe, are you here. I want you to come talk to me."
"Yeass, what is it?"
"Since that night, we have spent a lot of time together, and I have such deep feelings for you, I like you, in fact I love you. But I have the feeling that you don't feel the same way, please tell me that's not true"
I looked at him, then looked at the floor.
"Look Marcel, we had a good run, but I think this was only a sex thing, I don't think it will go anywhere. Personally. Please don't get angry at me"
Marcel was getting angry. He started to shout at the top of his voice.
"All the LOVE I GAVE YOU, time I SPENT WITH YOU. And you.. Throw me away like I'm the obnoxious piece of gum that you scrape of your shoe. Get lost Serena, I never want you to go near me ever again."
He sped over to me and plunged his hand into my chest, his fingertips wrapped around my heart. He looked me in the eye and said. "You feel this, YOU FEEL THE PAIN, well, this is the heart ache That I'm feeling.
"Seriously Marcel, get off and leave me alone."
He eventually let go of my heart inside my chest and looked me in the eye.
"Pack your stuff from WHEREVER YOU LIVE, and get out. GET OUT OF MY TOWN. GET OUT OF MY CITY. You are from now on NOT welcome in New Orleans."

**Back to present Times**
"Serena, you know you really broke my heart, I can admit I over reacted a little bit."
I looked at him and scowled,
"You over reacted a little? A LITTLE?
Because of you I had to go in HIDING, for over 50 years I had to stay in hiding, I let no one know who I was or what I was. I had no family to go home too, so I had to stay in New Orleans. It WAS my home. You took all my freedom away from me. You ruined a good part of a century and I couldn't contact anyone, in scare that you would find me. And Kill me"
He looks at me with A sad face, it almost looked like he was sort of sorry?
"Now this brings us to when I was eventually found. This is possibly you proudest moment yet Marcel"

**the day before Serena came to Mystic falls**

I was just in my apartment, the one I had been hiding in for 50 odd years, one night I decided to go out and get some fresh blood. So I jumped down from my Balcony and started feeding on some towns folk. As I was draining the mans blood someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder, it was marcel.
He takes me and brings me to this cellar, filled with desiccating body's.
"You Serena Woods, diserve a fate much worse than death. Starvation."
He lifted a shovel and as he did I snapped one of his night walkers heads and took the shovel out of
Marcels hands and stuck it through his stomach.
I had to escape.
I had to get out of town as fast as I could.

**flash back to present time**

"So after that I ended up in Mystic falls, visiting some old friends of mine.
Marcel, what I don't get Is, you tried to kill me, Banished me from my home, YOUR home. Then when I appear, after 50 years of healing you decided to capture me and send me to a fate, worse than death. Why?
You punished me for not bloody loving you. Do you not realise how stupid that is. You put me through so much pain just because I didn't love you back."
I started to cry, as that happened Kol walked in. He ran over to me.
"Serena, why is he still here"
"He's fine Kol I need to teach him a lesson"
I looked at marcel and broke the barrier, used to powers to grab his neck and drag him closer to me.
I start to compel him, because I put a spell on him so I could compel him to do things.
"Marcel Jaarard. You will not love in your future life time. If you ever begin to love someone, you will hate yourself for it, you will want to die, and you will not want that person to be around. You will then kill that person, and it will make you even sadder than you already are. This emotion will make you want to drive a sweet, little dagger through your worthless little heart. But you won't, you don't. You know you don't diserve a reward as good as death for what you done." I look at him them drop him to the floor
"Now get lost"
Kol looks at me and shakes his head smiling.
"Jesus Christ Serena. I didn't think you would have that in you love"
I turn and look at Kol, I look at him and give him the biggest grin.
"Well, I guess that makes two of us"

SORRY I haven't updated, I'll try and do it more, I just don't have much time.
Thank you xoxo

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