Old friends, older memories

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Serena's POV
Yesterday was a good day for Kol and I, I really felt like our relationship got stronger, I didn't expect him to want to move back to New Orleans with me, leaving his family must be hard for him.
"Kol, ehh can I ask you a question"
"Yes love, anything"
"I was just wondering why you said yes for moving back home with me, I mean, you and your family have only started to become one again and I'm sort of driving you away from them"
He looked at me and smiled, he came over and grabbed both of my hands with his own.
"Serena, you have shown more kindness to me in the times we have been together than my whole family has in the last 1000 years that all 5 of us have been together. We may have not been together for as long as I have with my family, but you didn't change when you turned into a vampire.
He looked at me and came closer, inches away.
"When I met you, at my family's ball. You hadn't changed all that changed about you was that you where a vampire, just, my family changed when they turned. all I wanted was for us to live a Internal life as a family, but it didn't work out with that. Finn always went with my mother, he loved her and she loved him. Then there was Elijah and Klaus, inseparable and Rebekah was the one they thought they had to protect her but they didn't. So there was I, I was always alone, but with you I feel special. So the short version of a long winded answer. I said yes to moving to New Orleans with you because-"
Kol then plants his lips on mine and pulls me in for a long, but slow and soft kiss.
"Because I love you, and I wouldn't give this up for the world"
I look at him, he's amazing.
"I love you too Kol"

Kol and I started to pack, we said our goodbye's to Kol's family, lifted our suit cases and got in his car. We drove to New Orleans and then walked down the street of where the new apartment was that I bought. Two of Marcels Vampire minions come up to me, they were the ones who almost killed me, Marcel made it clear for me not to come back, but when I left I wasn't a powerful heretic with the power of one of the famous Covens. So I wasn't scared to come back.
"Well well well, little miss Serena, back here for round two of a little kick ass I see"
Kol starts to get angry, he steps in front of me
"Who ever you little minions are, you will not speak to her like that"
They start to walk closer and pull out a big piece of wood.
"What did I tell you, the next time you come here will be you final rest."
After that I used my power to snap his neck in the middle of the dark and wet streets. The other vampire tried to sped up to me but he didn't make it, Kol already had the vampires heart in his hand.
"What a bunch of bastards"
We open our apartment and settle down, we unpack when I see a figure of a man standing at the window of our balcony.
"Who's there"
He then jumped over to the other balcony, I was still unable to make out who it was.
He smashes through the window and falls to the ground.
"Marcel, what are you doing here"
"I told you, I couldn't let my people think I had a soft spot for you, you know one of my rules for Betraying your own kind, even for a vampire is death. So I let you go, but you RETURN!"
He starts to shout at me, but in the nick of time Kol speeds in.
"I wasn't going to kill you back then, but I have no hesitation in killing you now Serena Woods"
As he begins to run at me I use my power to lift him up Into the air. I started to get angry and began to shout.
"You think I wasn't aware of that, I risked my life to come back to MY home. But I'm more powerful that you and any of your little minions put together. "
Blood starts to soak up around his chest as I use my powers and begin to rip his heart out.
"I COULD take New Orleans for myself with the help of my trust, Original Vampire boyfriend here, no problem. So id watch who you go around threatening, because one of your threats could be the last thing you say"
I realise him and make him drop to the floor with a thud.
"How, what, you have powers.
He seemed so shocked.
"And I'm a vampire, I'm a heretic in fact. But I bet you're dying to know what coven I'm feeding off aren't you"
I started to tease him, he seems so annoyed and that exactly what I wanted.
"The star coven, the one your mother founded, it would be pretty shit if you"
I used my powers so break his left leg.
"Where killed"
I then broke his other leg.
"With the same power"
I then snapped his neck and he fell to the floor.
I whispered "that your family, created"

Sorry!!! I haven't updated in a few days because, well I haven't sorry again!!!
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