Chapter 2

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"I'm going now. Bye." I was about to run away but Natsu grabbed me. Ya, I know his name. I also have mind powers. I saw his past, pretty sad though.

"Why do we all feel a strong aura from you? Only Gramps or Mavis Vermillion has that kind of powerful aura." I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let go.

"Because I can't tell you!!" I cried and fell to the ground. I don't want people to know, not now. "Natsu, you scaring her!" Erza said. He finally let go of me. I fell to the ground shaking with fear. "I'm so sorry, Natsu was just so curious. I'm ..." I cut her off. "I know who you are, Lucy. I have many abilities." I said while trying to stand up.

"Sorry about that, but I haven't felt something that powerful in a while. Sorry." He held his hand out. I gripped it with all my strength and threw him up , jumped , and punched him down. Erza awed while Gray smirked.

"Getting beaten by a girl, hahahahahahaha!" He laughed like crazy. "That's what you get for hurting my arm." I said to him. "Your very powerful, you know who I am, are you in Fairy Tail?" Erza asked me sternly. I nodded and showed her my emblem. It's on my left thigh and it's light blue-ish lavender.

"Watch out!" A barrel was headed towards me, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and knocked out Natsu. "Ice Make: Shield!" I shouted. A huge Ice Shield appeared and stopped in front of me. I looked back and they were in awe, well except Natsu. I immediately ran away. I could not let them know about my power, last time I almost died.

I ran using God Leg, but the some how go to me. "How did you?" I asked. Natsu smirked. "We followed your scent, duh. Now why aren't you telling us?" I cried again.

"Natsu, it's her personal business. Leave her be." Lucy said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

"Now why don't we have a sleepover, just me , you , Erza , and Wendy. Hmm?" I nodded while wiping my tears away.

*back at the guild*

"Mary, your ok!" Mira hugged me. She always forgets my name, considering it sounds like her name a bit. "It's Maru, and I'm fine. Just got emotional." I sat down and drank my unfinished juice.

"So you use Ice Magic?" Gray asked . "First off, I will not tell you about myself until I trust you, Second, why are you naked?" He looked at himself and he was butt naked, I saw his thing. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed and tried finding his pants.

"So, Maru, meet us my house, just go to Fairy Hills and Erza will take you to my place, Kay ?" Lucy said.

I nodded. I hope it won't be awkward.

Fairy Daughter (FairyTail Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now