Chapter 19

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"Sting! Rogue! What are you doing here?!" I asked helping them up. "Well, Rogue wanted to look for you, and with our dragon senses, we sniffed you here." Sting said pointing at Rogue. "Ok, but you didn't have to do that." I said hugging Rogue.

"But I needed to protect you." He said kissing my forehead. Lucy broke the moment by saying Aw. "Ya, ok. Ryuk tell us where the Servants and Guards are." I said breaking my hug.

"Ok, we just need to head north. And get past all of them to save your parents." He said hanging upside down from a tree. Wow, some Shinigami. "Ok, but you guys. Eat this. It helps. In this realm, your powers barely have effect, that's why you got injured so badly." I said handing them the berries I found on the ground. They all ate and swallowed.

"Ok, let's go. We must blend in." Using my powers, I turned my hair black and eyes red, also they others. "Ryuk, we need clothes. Do you have my backup?" I asked, he nodded. He got out a pearl thing and smashed it on the ground. Soon a chest of clothes appeared.

"Erza, since you have purgatory armor, just change into that. Lucy, here. A dark blue raggedy shirt with a silver ring belt. Wear this black skirt. Also hear are some screamer boots, every time you kick someone, it will leave a mark. But only works here. Gray, put this black vest on. It's sleeveless. When you remove it, it will turn into bracelets, that enhance your hand speed. Wendy, wear this black dress. It like the one your wearing now, (The Green Dress), but raggedy, black, and no pattern. Leave your sandals on. These arm bracelets will make your wind turn into shadow, it has more effect. Natsu, hide your scarf, and remove the sleeve on your right arm. Put this stripped ring on, it enhances your fire by 5. Rogue, your fine. Sting, I am just going to color your clothing black. Also since you guys are light and shadow, put on these ying and yang bracelets, they enhance your magic 5x times also." I say giving them their new clothes.

I wait for them to change, and they change fast. "Let's go!" I say. We head for the town, and all punished souls walk around looking at dead shops and restaurants. Ya, people in hell get some stuff.

"Ok, guys blend." I act all low and drowsy. I slouch and the others either act like me or be really fierce. As soon as we get to the bridge we stop acting.

"That was so stupid." Natsu said. I nodded. "Uh, guys. The servants are here." Ryuk said pointing. The servants are people who wanted to go here and are very powerful. But since we ate the pill the are like low mages, aka weak.

"You humans shall not pass. Especially you." One of them said pointing at me, "Ok, that's how you wanna play? Requip! Waterway!" I shout grabbing my sword from thin air again. Waterway, I can make slashes in the air, and hot water slashes come at you and make you split.

"All together. Karyu no Houkou!" Natsu, Sting, and Rogue did. We sent lots of servants flying away. Piece of cake. But more of them came. They stabbed us with magic draining darts.

"Lucy! Your Boots! We can't use much more of our magic anymore! Jump!" I shouted being tackled by a boat load of servants, I'm bleeding already.

"Kay!" She jumped and the ground created a wave causing most of the servants flying. "Let's go fast!" We made it across the bridge, we closed the gates and sealing the servants away.

"Guys, I don't have powers but here." Ryuk handed us Shinigami fruit. It looks like a mango but black. "Eat Guys, I think our magic will come back." We chewed the fruit and regained our strength.

"Remember, it only works here." He said disappearing. "Ryuk, why are you disappearing?" I said. "The King knows I'm helping you, I will be one of his servants. But it is only penalty for a year. Which is like a week in the Human realm. It'll be ok, See you later." He said disappearing.

"Bye Ryuk, Arigato." I said quietly. "Now what?" Lucy said. "We fight the guards." I say. They shrugged but picked them selves back up.

"You shall not destroy our king! Especially you." A guard said. What is it with them and saying 'especially you'?!

"WENDY! THE ARM BRACELETS HAVE EXTRA SPELLS!! USE ONE!!!" I say shouting using Fairy Spirit. "UM- SKY DRAGON WINGS!" Two slashes of wind came out of her hands and hit her opponents to the side, making them die or well get defeated enough to not move.

"FAIRY ANIMAL: LION!!" I say. Five Lions made of Fairy Glitter attack a wave of guards. I swear these guards are durable. But of coarse, I'm using Fairy Magic, not dark. They are still standing, well some of them.

"I got it, ICE MAKE: LANCE!!" Gray said. He removed his vest and he froze his fist and started hitting random guards super fast. "Great!" I said because most of them were unable to battle, Pokemon Phrase.

"Now look who we have here." OH FAIRY!

For Those reading this story, this will be the last chapter. JUST KIDDING!! But it is coming to the end. Sumimasen, or sorry. But read Little Fullbuster. The first chapter will be posted as soon as this ends.

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