chapter 4

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+(y/n) p.o.v+

*ring* *ring* *ring*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got up and dressed for school. When I got down stairs my mom gave me a great big hug, as I sat down for breakfast. "Have a great day at school, honey." My mom had yelled as I went to school. As I walking a giant saw blade whooshed by me, I stood there in shock to scared to move, then I was picked up by... A boy wearing a black leather cat suit?

+Chat noir p.o.v+

I saw (y/n) and was about to say hi, until I saw the Le Designer, I new this would be bad. I ran into a telephone booth *couldn't help myself* "Claws out!" I Yelled. I ran as fast as I could to grab (y/n). Ladybug was already fighting Le Designer. I put her somewhere safe, I was about to leave, but she grabbed my arm. "wait!" she said. "thank you for saving me, I'm (y/n)." she continued. "Well, I'm the great Chat noir, Milady." and with that I went to help ladybug  defeat Le Designer.

+(y/n) p.o.v+

I watch as Chat noir ran to go help ladybug. I feel my heart racing, fast. what's happening ? Am I in love? No that can't be, I mean I just met the guy, so of course I can't be in love. Can I ?

End chapter 4

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