Chapter 9

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+++ Later+++

+(y/n) p.o.v+

Ladybug defeated Chat blanc, but he got away,again. I told Ladybug how sorry I was for not being more careful, She said she completely understood and offered to walk me home. I accepted the offer afraid that Chat blanc might come back. As we walked back to my house, I couldn't help  but feel that we were being watched...

+Chat blanc+

I hate Ladybug!!! She keeps getting in the way of me and my (y/n)! I can't believe that I used to have a crush on her! Ladybug has to go or me and my beloved (y/n) can be together forever. It is settled then, I WILL GET RID OF LADYBUG!

+Normal p.o.v+

As Ladybug left (y/n) at her house and (y/n) locked every possible entry way so Chat blanc could not get in. (y/n) tried calling Adrian many times, but got no answer. (y/n) was started to worry about him. She finally broke down the corner saying what a horrible person she was, over and over again.


+(y/n) p.o.v+

I stopped crying and decided to watch some TV, TV always makes people happy right?. "Breaking News, Ladybug and her former sidekick, Chat noir, now known as Chat blanc. Are fighting at the park downtown. It may seem that Chat blanc is to much for Ladybug. Stay tuned for more information."


That is a big fat lie!, I throw on a pair of shoes as I race out the door. I don't know what I can do, but I have to do something. For Adrian and Ladybug! There was only one thing on my mind right now, is there traffic?...

End chapter 9

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