chapter 2

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The Adrian and (y/n) were standing there for a total of five minutes, just staring at each other. "(y/n), is that really you?" Adrian asked his heart racing. " Y-yes, Is that you Adrian?" "(Y/N)!" He yelled while giving you a great big bear hug. "How have you been?, Were have you been, It's been along time, and.." Adrian kept on rambling. You giving him the whhaaat  look. He say your face he stopped. "I'm sorry, it's just been a long time since we've seen each other, I know! How about I show you were all of your classes are." He said. You nodded in response.

+time skip+

"Thank you for showing me all of my classes, Adrian." you thanked him. "Anything for you, (y/n)." He replied. You were about to talk before you were rudely interrupted by an annoying  blonde. "Adrian! I've been looking everywhere for you, Whose this?!"  the blonde screeched. "This is my long childhood friend (y/n), Chloe." he said rather annoyed. "And we have to leave, I still need to show her around." He said dragging you away, leaving Chloe in shock. "Well she seemed interesting... in the least." you mumbled. "So have you been around town yet?" Adrian asked. "Not really, just a lot  of unpacking." "How about I show you around town?" He asked. "sure what time?" "At 7:00 pm, oh and here's my phone number." you also gave him your phone number. You looked at your watch. "Well I will see you later." you said as you left.

+Adrian's p.o.v+

I watched as she walked away, Plagg came out of hiding. "Who is she?"Plagg asked. "Just a really good friend." I said in a dream like gaze. "You like better than you like ladybug don't you?"

Plagg asked. "More than you know."

+your p.o.v+

I am really happy, not only did I make a friend, but found my old best friend. Life just seems perfect.

End of chapter 2

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