Chapter 10

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+(y/n) p.o.v+

I don't know why I thought about traffic. I can't drive yet, so why am I thinking It? I have no clue. As I made my way to the park, I could see ladybug and Chat fighting, I know I can help, but I don't know what. Suddenly, Ladybug was knocked out and Chat was going to finish her off. So I Threw a rock at his head.*Why do I keep writing every time, to get Chat attention, getting hit in the head.*  He stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around and looking ready to kill the perpetrator.

+Normal p.o.v+

Chat blanc turned around and saw (y/n), at first he was angry, but seeing it was (y/n) he only smirked. "Well, if it isn't (y/n)." Chat purred. "Chat, You need to stop, don't you see what your doing?" (y/n) pleaded. "Well milady, I'm doing this for you." Chat replied. "What?" (y/n) asked. "When you rejected, me, at first I was sad. Then I realized that it was not your fault, for you may of been tricked in to liking someone else. So naturally I need to keep you away from everyone." Chat replied. "Chat, I never rejected you, unless...." (y/n) stopped talking. It was all making since to her now. Chat nor is really Adrian. She felt like an Idiot. "So you finally realized who I really am, Milady?" Chat sneered. "Adrian, I am so sorry, I didn't-" (y/n) was interrupted when Chat grabbed her roughly and kissed. The kiss was filled with passion that has been held in. (y/n) noticed Ladybug getting up, It appears she was not the only one who noticed. Chat broke the kiss remembering what he had to do. Chat threw his staff at Ladybug, (y/n) knew that Ladybug would not be able to doge it. So she ran to Ladybug to shield her. The last thing she heard was Chat noir yelling. Then flat line.

End Chapter 10

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