chapter 8

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+The next day+

As (y/n) walked to school, she notice that people seemed to be worried. (y/n) then over heard Chloe complaining to Sabrina about Adrian missing.

+(y/n) p.o.v+

Adrian missing? That so unlike him, I hope nothing bad has happen to him. I see Marionette, I decide to see if see knows why he is missing. "Marionette!" I yelled trying to get her attention. She notice's me. "Hi (y/n), are you okay?" She asked. "Adrian is missing, do you know why?" I asked. "I can't say I have, though I do Know he was pretty upset yesterday..." Marionette said lost in thought. Thats right! Did I ... I didn't want to finish that thought. I followed Marionette into the school.

+++Later that day+++

+Chat blanc p.o.v+

I watch as (y/n) walked away from the school building, I waited for her to be alone before snatching her. Luckily I didn't have to wait long. I stood on a gate my shadow casting over her. "Hello, Milady." I purred.(y/n) stopped and looked up, with fear in her eyes. Then she started running. (y/n) was never a fast runner. So, of course I caught up with her with no problem. "Were do you think your going, my naive (y/n)?" I growled in her ear.

+Marionettes p.o.v+

I saw a Chat blanc and I knew this won't end well. I transformed behind a tree *tree powers activate* "Let go of (y/n), Chat blanc." I yelled. "Never!, If you want her your going to have go through me." Chat blanc yelled, before leaping away with (y/n). "Get back here!" I yelled as I ran after (y/n).

+(y/n) p.o.v+

I can't believe this is really happening, first Chat noir turns into a villain, then Adrian goes missing, And now Chat blanc has kidnapped me! This is like one of those horrible stories*T_T, (y/n) why do you have to be mean* 

End chapter 8

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