Chapter 12

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+Normal p.o.v+

The nurse checked (y/n). "Well, she seems to be fine I will have the doctor take a look. You know you are very lucky, it could of been a whole lot worse." the nurse said.

+Next day at school p.o.v+

(y/n) was over crowed with people asking if she was okay or not (not Chloe, of course). Though, (y/n) was not really paying attention to them, she was looking for Adrian, because she never got to answer his question. She finally found him in the library, sitting looking really sad.

+Adrian's p.o.v+

Does she like me or no. I mean she has to like me right, she kissed me. So, of course she has to like me, right? I was lost in my thoughts, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw (y/n)*Turn around, every then and know I get a little bit lonely*   "(y-y/n), what are you doing here?" I said. "Well," she sat down."I never got to answer your question." She finished. "So, what is-" she cut me off with a kiss. "That is my answer." she said. I pulled her close and gave her a passionate kiss.

+Normal p.o.v+

While (y/n) and Adrian were kissing half of the school started taking video, pictures or posting comments about the new couple. Alya even started a blog about really cute couples, in the 5 minutes (y/n) and Adrian were kissing.

End chapter 12  

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