chapter 6

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+(y/n) p.o.v+

I was waiting for Chat noir to come, but he didn't come at his usual time, I started to get worried, for he was never late. Just as I was walking towards the window I saw a white figure coming towards the window. The figure jumped through the window, knocking me to the ground.  "Hello, there Milady." The figure said. Wait was that Chat, he looked different...

+Normal p.o.v+

As (y/n) just stared at Chat, not knowing to do. His suit was white and his eyes were a glowing orange. Chat then picked up the very confused girl up and started going out the window. "W-what are you doing?" (y/n) asked. " Simply taking what is mine, whether you like it or not." Chat replied, before jumping out the window. 

+(y/n) p.o.v+

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled trying to get chat off of me. Then suddenly he grabbed me so I can face hi, by this time I could see the anger pouring off of him waves. "Why, Why, WHY?!" he started yelling. Tears starting to come from my eyes. What happened to the real Chat, the one I loved. "How many times do I, have to explain myself? You are mine, no one else. Do you understand?!" he yelled just then a A red and black polka dotted yo-yo hit Chat in the back of the head...

End chapter 6

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