♠ The ( 1st ) Letter - Open when it's January ♠

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This chapter is dedicated to an amazing friend of mine who's also the editor of this book ♥ 

@EatingNutellaAllDay Follow her and check her amazing works.


        "Everything about me is a contradiction, and so is everything about everybody else. We are made out of oppositions; we live between two poles. There's a philistine and an aesthete in all of us, and a murderer and a saint. You don't reconcile the poles. You just recognize them." - Orson Welles

                        ♠  The ( 1st ) Letter - Open when it's January ♠

○ Robin began to read the first letter, while tears streamed down her face. It left salty drops all over the letter. 

"Miss Double Espresso, 

       Since I don't know your name yet, let me just call you Miss double espresso. As I set a foot in (La Reine Cafe) I glanced at you sitting beside the window, with your chocolate brown, slightly fuzzy hair that held beautiful caramel highlights, holding a book in your hand that covered half of your face.

    You called Iris, the waitress, to take your order. You ordered a double espresso. Do you know that your coffee says a lot about you ? Maybe you don't, but I could tell that you're a practical girl. Despite that pink ribbon you tied at the ends of your hair that made you look like a long-lost Disney princess, the frustrated look on your face that screamed *What the hell I'm doing here !* and your choice of coffee made it easy for me to analyze your personality. 

   I was hundred percent sure that I have never seen your face around before. All the girls here in Mary-Falls are either plastic barbies or leather-face lookalikes. You were different, you didn't belong to that scene you were inserted in. The coffee, the book and the coffee shop. All I can see whenever I look at you is an artist, maybe a painter, holding a brush in a hand and a palette with hundreds of oil colors mixed together making a one hideous color. A stroke here and a stroke there and you have a painting that no one knows the story behind it, but you. 

  I realized that you were reading "Wuthering Heights". A book I will never read. I can't stand all the drama in those classic novels. When Iris brought you your espresso, you nodded thanking her politely. You pointed your pinkie upwards as you picked your steaming cup to sip some of the hot espresso. I frowned a little, wondering how did you do that !  I didn't see that coming. You were treating that cup in a very sophisticated way I have never seen, but in those movies about royal families in England. 

   You sighed closing your eyes. You were probably feeling tired of reading, so you put the book down and held the cup of coffee with your both hands. Maybe you were feeling cold too. 

   Everything about you was very contradicting. You left me very confused. Not knowing if you're just a nerd who likes to read books or you're that uptight outsider or the sophisticated princess from  "The Princess Pride" or the painter I imagined. 

   I wanted to come and talk to you, but I couldn't. It's not that I get shy and awkward around girls, but the invisible shield you surrounded yourself with made me pretty sure that my bows will fail to penetrate it. Maybe that's the reason why I was attracted to you. Maybe..wait..I don't have any idea why you attracted me, but some things just happen. 

                                                      A guy who'll never send you this letter. 

                                                                                          19 / 1 / 1992  "

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