♠ The ( 5th ) Letter - Open When It's May ♠

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◘ This chapter is dedicated to Eternity, Please check her amazing books, especially "Red Velvet" :)

◘ This chapter isn't edited yet, so please point out the grammatical errors so I can fix them. 

That's all, oh, and check the song on the side, it's beautiful ♥ 

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"We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds."

- Aristotle Onassis 

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                      ♠ The ( 5th ) Letter - Open When It's May ♠

○ There he stood at the doorway with his both hands in his pockets, gazing at her. She looked up at him, blinked twice. Her heart skipped a beat with every blink, she was afraid he'd be gone the second she opens her eyes, but he was still there, smiling. She made her way to him, her lips whispered his name. "Larry !"

She stood right in front of him, staring directly into his sparkling eyes. He pulled a hand out of his pocket, rose it, touched the pink ribbon at the ends of her hair, smiling wider than ever. She lifted her palm to his face, it landed slowly on his cheek. Her hand touched his skin tenderly, as gentle as a sea wave touches its shore.

Memories hit her like an angry tornado. The first day she saw him at La Riene, the first time she heard his voice, she remembered their every single first with every single detail. She recalled everything about him. The flash that lasted for a while before her, was the last time she saw him.

Then she woke up gasping. Her heart raced as if she has been running at a marathon and her hands were as cold as a statue made of marble. She glanced at the alarm-clock on the small cupboard next to her bed. It read 03:42 A.M. She tried to breathe probably, but she miserably failed, as she burst out into tears. Robin got out of her bed, walked towards her desk, yanked the drawer and took out the box. Her hands wiped the streaming tears, haltingly. The moon light, penetrating the room window, fell on the fifth letter as Robin, shivering and sobbing, started to read it. 

"Dear Brizo,

         Brizo. The protector of sailors in Greek mythology. And I'm a sailor who's lost in the middle of an ocean, the angry storm is wrecking his ship and his chances of survival are probably none. The raging waves are pulling him down, sinking his ship and drowning him. No, seriously, I'm drowning, Robin. I need some help, my feelings are choking me, slowly. So, are you willing to save the lost sailor's soul, Brizo ?! 

It's sort of creepy to compare you to someone or something in every single letter, but it isn't intended at all, I just happen to stumble frequently upon things that somehow reminds me of you. 

But how in the world would you help me when you couldn't even help yourself ?! You let your self drown without even crying for help. You gave up fighting for your life. You drowned. And you're still at the bottom of the ocean, lost. One day I will find you, or you will find me, and we will swim up and our eyes will sparkle under the sunlight with satisfaction. Or maybe it's just a wishful thinking and we will always be lost. 

You know what, I think, well, I believe that when a girl falls in love, it's bad, but when a guy does, it's ten times worse. When girls fall in love it's the American Civil War, but when guys do, it's the Second World War. When an Eve's Daughter falls in love, she falls deeply, but when one of Adam's sons does, he falls madly. Don't you agree ? That's exactly what I'm going through. I'm falling madly in love with you. 

That pain I feel whenever the thought of you being hurt is just indescribable. If I was there, I don't know, but probably I'd have ripped that guy's heart out of his chest. It's just that, I don't know, I love you. 

Robin. I'm trying my best to show how much I care about you, but I don't think that you're feeling the same. The prom is days to go and though we hang out a lot nowadays, but asking you to go to the prom with me, will probably be a relief, since the words choking me would be spoken, but if you turned me down, our friendship would be ruined for good, and I won't be able to talk to you again, and it'd be so hard for me to just sit there and watch you smile, laugh or cry and I'm not able to share those moments with you. 

                                   Not sending this letter too. 

                                        30/5/1992 "

◘ Finally I'm done. I hope you like it :) Sorry, it's a short one, but I'm busy with school nowadays. 

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